The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Dear Professional Colleagues,
Season’s Greetings,
Sub: PART B and PART C of MEF 2016-17 will be made live from 10th November to 17th November, 2016 to enable the applicants to fill the same & get ready with Financial Documents of the applicants for Multipurpose Empanelment for the year 2016-17.
As you are aware, MEF 2016-17 has been divided into three parts:
Part A: For Bank Branch Auditor’s panel
Part B: For Additional information for Multipurpose Empanelment
Part C: For panel of Cooperative Societies and Cooperative Banks
To ease out the submission process, we had made PART B and PART C non-functional which was not applicable for Bank Branch Auditor’s Panel. PART B and PART C was made live from 5th October, 2016 to 31st October, 2016 to enable the applicants to fill/edit the same. However, some Members were not been able to fill the form. Therefore, the same would be made live again from 10th November, 2016 to 17th November, 2016 . It may be reiterated that Part B and C has no connection with Bank Branch Auditor’s Panel 2016-17.
Applicants, who have submitted PART A of MEF can now login Multipurpose Empanelment Form 2016-17 through their credentials (MRN/FRN & Password) created this year to fill PART B and/or PART C of MEF.
We therefore request all the applicants to login and fill the form. After finishing, PART B and/or PART C there is no need to send the Declaration again. Those who have already filled PART B & PART C need not fill it again.
CA. Prafulla Premsukh Chhajed CA. Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal
Chairman PDC Vice-Chairman PDC