The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
(A statutory body under an Act of Parliament)
12,Sudder Street, Kolkata – 700 016.
1.1 The Institute of Cost Accountants of India was set up under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959, as amended to educate, impart training and develop the profession of Cost Accountancy. In the current changing dynamic economic scenario it is essential for Cost Accountants in practice and in employment to continuously update and equip themselves with the new skills and concepts to meet the challenges and render efficient service to trade, commerce, industry and the society at large. A profession cannot maintain the cutting edge unless its members regularly update their knowledge.
1.2 As advised by the Quality Review Board, recommended by the Members’ Facilities & Services Committee and approved by the Council at its 291st Meeting held on 30th January, 2015, the Institute is pleased to announce revised CEP requirements for members in practice & industry vide Notification dated 12th February 2015. At least 50% of the CEP hours of the members should be in respect of the subjects pertaining to the topics of professional relevance for members as per Schedule-I of the said Guidelines.
1.3 In line with the recommendations of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and feeling the need to have compulsory and continued training of the members of the Institute, the Council has made training mandatory for all members to ensure constant updating of knowledge and skills of members. The Council has framed the following guidelines covering the requirement of eligible training, awarding and recording of credit hours as well as features for considering programmes eligible to award credit hours.
1.4 The objective of Continuing Education Programme is to assist the members in widening their knowledge base and in improving their skills to be at the cutting edge of technology by providing training and expertise in critical areas.
2.1 “Institute” means the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
2.2 “Continuing Education Programme (CEP)”–Programmes of the Institute specifically designed to cater to specific learning activity imposing continuing education requirements on members intended to expand their knowledge base and stay up-to-date on new developments.
2.3 “Approved CEP Programmes”means programmes organized by the Institute including programmes of the Regional Councils and Chapters, approved Study Circles, or any entity recognized by the Council from time to time for this purpose, National Cost Conventions,Regional Cost Conventions, participative certificate programme of ICAI, Seminars or Conferences organized jointly with other professional bodies and Chambers of Commerce that are approved by the CEP Directorate for granting CEP Credit Hours.
2.4 “Year” for the purpose of these guidelines shall mean the period commencing from 1st day of April and ending on 31st of March.
2.5 “Continuing Education Programme Directorate (CEP Directorate)” means the directorate of the Institute set up for overseeing the academic, technical and administrative functions of CEP programmes.
2.6 “Continuing Education Programme Committee (CEP Committee)” means a committee of the Council of the Institute entrusted with the task of setting strategic directions and overseeing CEP activities.
2.7 “CEP Credit Hours”means credit hours awarded to the member for participating in any approved CEP Programme.
2.8 “Permanent Disability” means a person suffering from not less than 40% of any disability as certified by a medical authority.
3.1 In terms with the powers vested with the Council of the Institute under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 and the Regulations framed thereunder, the Council of the Institute is empowered to frame rules and guidelines for the maintenance of the status and standard of professional qualifications of the members of the Institute.
3.2 1[Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory for the members in practice and recommendatory for other members.]
3.3 In case of any queries concerning these guidelines, the clarifications and interpretations of issued by the CEP Directorate shall be final.
4.1 These guidelines are effective from 1st April,2015.
5.1 The requirement of CEP Credit Hours is divided in various categories and need to be met by the members as prescribed in Annexure A.
5.2 All members of the Institute are required to meet the CEP requirement(s) as specified by the Council from time to time subject to the category exempted as below:
(i) 1[****]
(ii) For the first year for a member who is admitted to the membership of the Institute. A year in this context is to be considered as the period from April 1 to March 31.
(iii) A member who is having permanent disability and members who have been handicapped due to an accident/ sickness for a prolonged period may be exempted from fulfilling the requirement of CEP Hours on submission of valid documents in support of the same.
(iv) A member who is resident outside India.
(v) In case of members residing outside India for a period of not less than 6 months may be exempted from the requirement for the particular year on submission of valid documents in support of the same. However, no such exemption/relaxation is available to a member who has obtained membership of the Institute in accordance with the MOU entered into between the Institute and any other foreign Institute and such member would be considered to have earned Credit Hours if the member has fulfilled the Credit Hour requirement of that foreign Institute.
(vi) The CEP Committee may in their absolute discretion grant full/partial exemption specifically or generally to a member or a class of members based on facts and circumstances on a case to case basis.
A member is awarded the credit of CEP Hours by the CEP Committee on the basis of the learning activities undertaken during the year. To undergo the mandatory training, the CEP Committee has specified various learning activity options for a member which may be attended by the members. These are:
i. Attending an approved CEP Programme.
ii. Attending an approved Webinar conducted by the Institute for members. Mere registration for Webinar will not be sufficient to earn the credit hours and the members must attend the full session.
iii. The in-house trainings imparted by an organization, having a turnover of Rs.100 Crores or above per annum, to their employees subject to the condition that the training programme should be on a subject of professional relevance and provided the organization seek prior approval by the CEP Directorate. The organization would be required to submit the attendance records of the members attending the programme to the CEP Directorate.
iv. 1[****]
v. Any other activity as specified in Annexure B.
The basis of awarding CEP Credit Hours for attending the aforesaid programmes in para 6 would be guided by the conditions prescribed in Annexure B.
7. Monitoring and Review of CEP activities
The CEP Directorate under the supervision and guidance of the CEP Committee will monitor and review the programmes conducted by the various regions, chapters, and study circles from time to time.
Mechanism to be followed by the organizer of the CEP Programme:
i. Seek prior approval from CEP Directorate for holding the programme on topics of professional relevance and importance as per the Schedule-I.
ii. Submit online details of the programme to the CEP Directorate at least 5 days prior to the scheduled date of the programme. Detail of online submission mechanism is available with the CEP Directorate.
iii. Maintain attendance records of the programme in the manner as stipulated by the CEP Directorate from time to time.
iv. Submit the attendance records to the CEP Directorate within 3 working days of the programme to upload the CEP Credit Hours in the portal.
v. In case of any missed attendance, CEP Credit Hours of a member can be claimed within 90 days from the date of programme.
The Council of the Institute on the basis of recommendation of the CEP Committee can modify these guidelines at any time to meet the requirements of CEP.
9.1 Compliance with the said guidelines is mandatory for the Members of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India read with Clause 5. Members can view the status of CEP Credit Hours awarded during the year on the Institute’s website in Members’ Section.
9.2 The Institute shall maintain the record of attendance of members at approved CEP Programmes. However, members should also maintain a personal record of compliance with the requirements of Credit Hours as also for undertaking other CEP Learning activities for which CEP Hours are granted and produce the same for verification.
9.3 Members holding Certificate of Practice are required to confirm that they have secured the minimum annual CEP Credit Hours at the time of renewal of membership and certificate of practice.
The Certificate of Practice of members who fail to comply with the requirements of these guidelines shall not be renewed as provided in Regulation 10(1) of the Cost and Works Accountants Regulations, 1959 (as amended).
Annexure A
Applicability and CEP Credit Hours requirement
Para 5 of the Guidelines
The new block is effective from 1st April, 2021 to 31st March 2024.
Effective April 1, 2015, the requirement of CEP Credit Hours are as below subject to exemptions under para 5 of the guidelines.
CEP Credit Hours requirements for the block of three (3) years to be complied with by different categories of members.
Members holding Certificate of Practice
Below the age of 65 years: The member should undergo minimum mandatory training of 15 hours per year and 50 hours in a block of 3 years. Above the age of 65 year: The member should undergo minimum mandatory training of 50% of the minimum CEP hours per year and block of 3 years as per the category of the members holding Certificate of Practice below the age of 65 years, i.e. 7 hours per year and 25 hours in a block of 3 years. Holding Certificate of Practice for part of the year: A member holding Certificate of Practice is exempt from the CEP requirement for the first year or part of the year. Members not holding Certificate of Practice It is recommended that a member should undergo minimum training of 7 hours per year and 25 hours in a block of 3 years. |
- No carry forward is allowed for excess Credit Hours from block of three years to the next block of three years.
Annexure B
The Basis of awarding CEP Credit Hours
Approved CEP Programmes:
Duration of the approved CEP Programme | Credit Hours |
Less than 1 hour | Nil |
I hour and more and upto 2 hours | 1 |
More than 2 hours and upto 4 hours in a single day | 2 |
Beyond 4 hours in a single day | 4 |
Programme spanning 1 and half day | 6 |
Programmes spanning 2 days | 8 |
Programme spanning beyond 2 days (minimum 6 hours per day) | 10 |
- No credit hours will be given to a participant who attends a programme partially.
Approved CEP Webinars/(E-Learning):
Duration of the approved CEP Webinar | Credit Hours |
Less than 1 hour | Nil |
I hour and more and upto 2 hours | 1 |
More than 2 hours and upto 4 hours in a single day | 2 |
Beyond 4 hours in a single day | 4 |
- No credit hours will be given to a participant who attends a Webinar partially.
Other Eligible Learning Activities and CEP Credit Hours:
Sl.No. | Learning Activities | CEP Credit Hours |
1. | Acting as a Speaker or Discussion Leader
A member who is acting as a visiting faculty/guest faculty in a programme or seminar offered by any UGC recognized University/AICTE approved Institution/Management Institutions/Institutions of National Importance. Members are not eligible for CEP Credit Hours for acting as a faculty in Oral Tuition Classes for students. |
Equivalent to the basis of the CEP Credit hours for the approved CEP Programme or Webinars/E-learning. |
2. | Technical Materials Submitted for Publication
A member whose Technical articles, monographs, or books are published is eligible for CEP credit hours subject to the condition that the publication is accorded International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)/ International Standard Book Number (ISBN). For joint authorship, the hours will be equally divided. |
6 hours each |
3. | Books and Monographs
For the first time of publication. (Note: The Institute will assign specific CEP hours on receipt of a copy of the publication) For joint authorship, the hours will be equally divided. |
10 hours for each
publication |
4. | Articles Published in Management Accountant
A member whose article is published in ‘Management Accountant’. For joint authorship, the hours will be equally divided. |
4 hours |
5. | Diploma Courses/Certificate Courses
On successful completion of Diploma Courses/Certificate Courses (including e-Learning) as monitored by the Institute and its Central Committees. |
Equivalent to the basis of the CEP Credit hours for the approved CEP Programme or Webinars/E-learning. |
6.1 6.2 |
Participation in Meetings
Members who participated in Meetings of the Council Committees/Technical Committees of the Institute/Task Force/Technical Discussions in the Council/Study Groups. Attending meetings/Seminars/workshops by SAFA/CAPA/IFAC or any other International bodies where the Institute is a member. |
Equivalent to the basis of the CEP Credit hours for the approved CEP Programme. (Subject to a minimum meeting duration of one hour). |
7.1 | Courses/ Programmes by Foreign Institutes
A member who has obtained membership of the Institute in accordance with the MOU entered into between the Institute and any other foreign Institute. |
It would be considered to have earned Credit Hours if the member has fulfilled the Credit Hour requirement of that foreign Institute. |
Note: The CEP Credit will be given to the member only after submission of authenticated proof in this regard to the CEP Directorate.
List of Topics of Professional Relevance
(i) Goods and Service Tax
(ii) Insolvency Professionals
(iii) Anti Profiteering
(iv) Cost Accounting Standards
(v) Cost Auditing and Assurance Standards
(vi) Ind-As and IFRS
(vii) Role of CMAs in Risk Management
(viii) Forensic Audit
(ix) Role of CMAs in Health sector
(x) Role of CMAs in Education sector
(xi) Role of CMAs in Internal Audit
(xii)Role of CMAs in Banking sector
(xiii) Role of CMAs in Insurance sector
(xiv) Role of CMAs in Capital Markets
(xv)Role of Independent Directors, Board members
(xvi) Valuation of assets – Role of CMAs
(xvii) Cost Audit
(xviii) Direct Taxation
(xix) Indirect Taxation
(xx) Corporate Laws
The above list is illustrative only and not an exhaustive one.
1 Amended as per the decision in 300th Council Meeting held on 21st July 2016. Prior to this, clause no. 3.2 was as under: Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory for the members in practice below the age of 65 years and recommendatory for other members.
1 Deleted as per the decision in 300th Council Meeting held on 21st July 2016. Prior to this, clause no. 5.2 (i) was – A member who attained the age of 65 years.
1Eliminated as per the decision in 300th Council Meeting held on 21st July 2016. Prior to this, clause no. 6.(iv) was – Members attending CEP programmes of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India under the reciprocal arrangement between the Institute and ICSI.