SEBI Circular, Notification, provisions Take over code Listing norms Corporate laws Listed Companies FII investments Stock brokers BSE NSE Mutual Funds IPO News
SEBI : SEBI launches MITRA platform to help investors track inactive mutual fund investments and update KYC details, improving transparen...
SEBI : Failure to comply with accounting standards may violate LODR regulations, affecting financial transparency, director accountabilit...
SEBI : SEBI’s LODR Amendments 2024 introduce key changes in compliance, RPTs, and governance. Are they simplifying processes or adding ...
SEBI : Learn the common reasons for DRHP rejection, including incomplete disclosures and non-compliance, and practical measures to naviga...
SEBI : Understand compliance requirements for listed companies under SEBI LODR 2015, including ESG, BRSR Core, and market cap-based oblig...
SEBI : SEBI seeks public comments on proposed amendments to REITs and InvITs Master Circulars, including lock-in rules and follow-on offe...
SEBI : SEBI's consultation paper suggests SIM binding, biometric authentication, and trade controls to secure trading accounts. Public co...
SEBI : SEBI introduces measures like SIM binding and biometric authentication to secure trading accounts and prevent unauthorized transac...
SEBI : SEBI seeks public comments on a standard No-Objection Certificate (NOC) format for charge holders in debt securities. Submit feedb...
SEBI : SEBI proposes changes to disclosure norms for REITs and InvITs. Public comments are invited until March 7, 2025. Submit feedback v...
SEBI : SEBI prosecutes directors of Gujarat Arth Ltd for market manipulation and fraudulent trading under SEBI Act....
SEBI : Since 1986 to 1997, Petitioner acquired shares, in tranches, of Respondent No.4-Company. The Petitioner subsequently sold some of ...
SEBI : In the instant case, assessee was a senior citizen and a medical practitioner, had his Demat accounts frozen by the National Secur...
SEBI : Explore the disclosure and compliance requirements for listed entities under SEBI regulations, including quarterly, half-yearly, a...
SEBI : Supreme Court's landmark ruling in SEBI v. Abhijit Ranjan clarifies insider trading laws, emphasizing the importance of profit mot...
SEBI : SEBI modifies the Investor Charter for stock brokers to enhance investor protection, transparency, and grievance redressal. New pr...
SEBI : SEBI mandates AMCs to allocate 2 basis points for investor education, including financial inclusion, under the Mutual Fund Regulat...
SEBI : SEBI amends the Mutual Fund Regulations, 2025, including new rules for employee investment, stress testing, and fund deployment, e...
SEBI : SEBI mandates standardized Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) for Research Analysts, ensuring transparency in research ser...
SEBI : SEBI mandates standardized Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) for Investment Advisers, ensuring transparency in advisory a...
n terms of Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 dated August 10,2022 Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) having net worth of INR 100 Crore or higher are eligible to issue commercial paper.
CRAs shall formulate a policy on separation or firewall practices with the non-rating entities and document the same in their internal operational manuals or governing document. Such policy, and revisions thereto, shall be ratified by the Board of Directors of the CRAs
Adani Enterprises, along with its subsidiary AMG Media Networks Ltd., on August 24 launched a hostile takeover attempt of NDTV in an expansive bid to foray into the Media and Entertainment Industry.
Whether Target Company need to comply with procedural compliances in terms of Regulation 29 of Takeover Regulations and under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations (PIT Regulations). Exemption under the Takeover Regulations is provided only from making an open offer but not from the necessary disclosure requirements. Hence, the compliances provided inter-alia under Regulation 29 […]
DKG Buildcon Private Ltd. Vs Adjudicating & Enquiry Officer, SEBI (Supreme court of India) Investigation by SEBI which had concluded that the appellants and other entities were involved in aiding and abetting Ketan Parekh and his companies in rigging the securities market in the years 2000 and 2001 had not been challenged, at any point, by […]
Securities and Exchange Board of India Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-1/P/CIR/2022/120 | Dated: September 19, 2022 To All Recognized Stock Exchanges All Recognized Depositories All Merchant Bankers and Brokers registered with SEBI All Social Enterprises All Social Impact Fund registered with SEBI All Social Audit Firms/ Institute of Chartered Accounts of India Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Framework on […]
Securities and Exchange Board of India Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DoP/P/CIR/2022/119 | Dated: September 19, 2022 To, All Depositories All recognized Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations Madam / Sir, Sub: Validation of Instructions for Pay-In of Securities from Client demat account to Trading Member (TM) Pool Account against obligations received from the Clearing Corporations 1. In order to protect […]
Supreme Court held that mere possession of price-sensitive information doesnt prove that the person was indulged in insider trading. There must be an attempt to take advantage of or encash the benefit of the information so possessed.
Explore the framework of the Initial Phase of the Social Stock Exchange in this insightful read, covering key amendments in SEBI regulations, especially the transition from Social Venture Funds to Social Impact Funds. Delve into the definition of Social Impact Funds, the concept of Social Units, and the revised provisions on the minimum corpus and individual investment values.
In order to ensure availability of comprehensive information mentioned in the circulars pertaining to Surveillance of Securities Market at one place, SEBI has been issuing Master Circular.