Place of supply is creating lot of problems now a days. it is very important to determine it correctly because it will help state and central Govt. for revenue sharing.
In GST, procedures of refund seems comfortable as compare to earlier tax structure. Let us make a study how and when refund under GST will be granted.
IGST Rules, 2017- Explanation to section 12(14) of IGST act, 2017- Section states: The place of supply of advertisement services to the Central Government, a State Government, a statutory body or a local authority
1. 178 items have been move from 28% to 18% 2. 13 items have been move from 18% to 12%, 5 items have been moved from 18% to 5% and 6 items have been moved from 5%to 0% 3. All stand alone Restaurants (except 5 star) irrespective of AC will attract 5% GST without ITC also food parcels (or takeaways) will attract 5% GST without ITC,
GSTR-1A is nothing but just a form which allows a registered taxable person to update the details of his sales for GSTR-1 which was filed earlier. Generally, The information comes the buyer’s GSTR-2 when he modifies any data. Seller may either affirms or reject the changes. Changes accepted by seller will be automatically reflected in the GSTR-1.
A. Composite supply: If it involves more than one goods and/ or services which are naturally bundled together: These are referred to as composite supply of goods and / or services. It shall be deemed to be a supply of those goods or services, which constitutes the principal supply therein.
This video can clear all concepts regarding RCM under GST. RCM is powerful tool used by government , which will not only enhance revenue of government but also help in catch tax payers who are not comply GST provisions. you can also watch my video in hindi on this topic . visit tAX sATHI channel on you tube.
This article can clear your concept regarding Job work provisions. Job work is backbone of Indian economy, without this many of Indian business will not able to operate properly .GST on Job Work is far different from service tax and VAT earlier. In this article i tried to cover each and every aspect of Job work. read this article and comment . you can also ask your kind queries.