Yesterday CBEC has issued Notification no, 13/2015 to 17/2015 which enables various proposals of Finance Act,2015 which has received the assent of President on 14.05.2015 but we noticed that CBEC has not yet notified the date from service tax will be applicable on services provided by the Government or local authority to a business entity.
CA Sandeep Kanoi Section 165 of Companies Act, 2013 which comes into effect from 1st April 2014 provides that a person cannot hold directorship in more than 20 Companies and out of these 20 he cannot be Director in more than 10 Public Companies. For this purpose, holding or subsidiaries of private companies shall be […]
Income Tax Rate Chart for Assessment Year 2014-15/ 2015-16 and 2016-17 i.e. Financial Year 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 for Individuals, Association of Person (AOP) or Body of Individual (BOI) or any other artificial juridical person, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Partnership Firm, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP, Domestic Company, Foreign Company, Local Authorities and Co-Operative Societies.
CA Sandeep Kanoi Abatement in Service Tax was First Introduced Vide Principal Notification No. 26/2012-Service Tax, dated 20th June 2012 and subsequently been amended vide Notification No. 2/2013 – Service Tax, dated the 1st March, 2013, Notification No. 9/2013 – Service Tax, Dated: May 8, 2013, Notification No. 08/2014 – Service Tax Dated-11th July, 2014 […]
Reverse and Partial Reverse Mechanism Chart with effect from 01.04.2015 and The extent of service tax payable thereon by the person who provides the service and any other person liable for paying service tax for the taxable services
CA Sandeep Kanoi CBDT has vide Notification No. 41/2015 requires Assessee to Disclose in Schedule FT of ITR Details of foreign travel and expenses incurred during the year by the Assessee. This schedule is required to be filled if the assessee has undertaken any foreign travel during the previous year. The countries visited and the […]
CBDT has vide Notification No. 41/2015, Dated-15th day of April, 2015 Notified ITR-1 ITR-2 ITR-4S ITR-V for A.Y. 2015-16 with several Changes. In such ITRs CBDT has for the first time required an assessee to Compulsorily provide details of all Bank account held in India (including in joint names) at any time during financial year 2014-15 including details of those which were closed during the year.
The MCA has issued Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order,2015 vide order dated 10.04.2015. It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. We have Compiled format of Such CARO 2015 Audit Report and also uploaded the same in word format at the end of our this article. Format of CARO 2015 Audit Report will be as follows:-
MEIS reward rates (2%/3%/5%) specified for export of notified goods to notified markets [categorized into 3 groups, viz. Country Group A, B and C] as a percentage of realized FOB value in free foreign exchange. Now Readers may be willing to know how to know the rate of MEIS for the country they are exporting. In this article we are explaining the Procedure for the same –
Many a time Assessee forgets the Password to login into account with In such cases if user enters incorrect user name or password 5 consecutive times, his account gets blocked by the system. To unblock the account with ACES assessee have two options :-