Explore the Income Tax Departments Mismatch Campaign, its implications, and the complexities faced by taxpayers. Learn how to respond and avoid potential litigation.
Explore key points on Tax Collected at Source (TCS) changes in Budget 2024. Uncover implications, limits, and amendments affecting foreign remittances under Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS).
Explore FAQs on the recent amendment to Section 43B of the Income Tax Act, 1961, affecting MSME payments. Learn about applicability, consequences, and practical compliance.
Received an SMS/Email from Income Tax? Explore insights on the high-value transactions advisory, its purpose, and how to respond. Understand the significance of AIS, discrepancies, and consequences of non-compliance. Stay informed with professional advice
Explore significant changes in Tax Collected at Source (TCS) rates on foreign remittances in 2023 and learn strategies to minimize your TCS burden while managing finances during overseas trips
Understand the key Income Tax Amendments from FY 2023-24. Learn about changes in tax regimes, exemptions, and impacts on individuals, businesses, and trusts.
Explore the taxability of Business Trusts (REIT/InvIT) in India, amended as per Budget 2023. Understand the structure, flows of income, taxation at different levels, and implications for sponsors, SPVs, business trusts, and investors.
Till now many of us must have received a message informing us to link our PAN with Aadhar on or before 31/03/2023 or else our PAN will be inoperative. These messages seems to be partially correct as PAN will be inoperative for all those individuals ‘who are required’ to obtain Aadhar Card and link it to their PAN.
It has been proposed that investments in mutual funds on or after 01/04/2023 where not more than 35% is invested in equity shares of an domestic companies (i.e. debt funds, international funds and gold funds) will now be deemed to be short term capital gains like Market Linked Debentures i.e. it will be liable to be taxed as per slab rate.
Learn about the recent communication from the Income Tax Department regarding high-value transactions for previous and current financial years. Understand how to respond to the Annual Information Statement (AIS) and the consequences of not providing a timely reply.