During life time as person has to achieve lot of mile stone i.e His own marriage, marriage of his son and daughter, higher education, Medical exigencies, construction and Purchase of House. Besides these requirement he has also have to save money for his old age requirement when he will become to old and not able […]
Principles of management those are taught now day in top management Institutes, mentioned In the books of top management guru and message which are being in motivational quotes are from ancient largest epic from excerpts of Gita. These are thousands of years old but very much relevant to present corporate, Economy, Business leader for their […]
GST on Monthly Subscription/Contribution Charged By A Residential Welfare Association (RWA) From Its Members A number of issues have been raised regarding the GST payable on the amount charged by a Residential Welfare Association for providing services and goods for the common use of its members in a housing society or a residential complex. The […]
Filling of Income Tax return on due date is one of the important task of each individual falling criteria in filling of income tax return. This is duty of every citizen as responsible citizen to file return within due date, as Direct tax is one of important source of revenue collection of Govt, base on this govt get data on collection of revenue from direct Tax.
Thermal power plants have played a vital role in improving the power and economic position in India. In every economy, power is a critical input for its development . Quality of life is measured by per capita power consumption, in developed countries per capita consumption of power is Higher than developing countries ,hence it is said that quality of life is better in developed countries than developed country
GST Impact on Coal cost- But one power sector is most beneficial sector after implementation of GST as coal cost which consist of more than 90 % of input cost came down drastically, as there is substantial reduction of tax Post GST, can be understand better from following comparison: