What is Form 11 LLP? Form 11 is Form for filing Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) with the Registrar. When is Form 11 required to be filed? Form 11 is to be filed within 60 days of closure of its financial year. Therefore, the due date is 30th May. Is the due date […]
Calculation of fees payable on increase in Authorised Share Capital: While calculating the fees for increase in Authorised Share Capital, one gets confused on how to calculate the Fees for MOA and Stamp Duty Amount. There is an option on the MCA site under enquire fees to calculate the Fees for MOA and stamp duty […]
What is a copyright? A copyright is ‘a person’s exclusive right to reproduce, publish, or sell his or her original work of authorship (as a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic, or architectural work)’. Thus, copyright safeguards the author over his/her creations so that their productivity and creativity cannot be infringed. A copyright is done once the […]