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Company Registration and its annual compliances

March 10, 2022 3402 Views 0 comment Print

TYPES OF BUSINESS REGISTRATION -Sole Proprietorship Registration -Partnership Firm Registration -Limited Liability Partnership Firm -Company Registration COMPANY DEFINITION A company is essentially an artificial person—also known as corporate personhood—in that it is an entity separate from the individuals who own, manage, and support its operations. Companies are generally organized to earn a profit from business […]

Types of Trademark And Benefits

March 10, 2022 8469 Views 0 comment Print

DEFINITION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The definition of intellectual property rights is any and all rights associated with intangible assets owned by a person or company and protected against use without consent. Intangible assets refer to non-physical property, including right of ownership in intellectual property . TRADEMARK PROTECTION Trademarks protect brands. The name of the […]

PF/ESI Registration – Benefits and Applicability

March 5, 2022 135144 Views 0 comment Print

EPF REGISTRATION:- Organization with 20 or moré employees are required by law to register for EPF Scheme within one month of attending the minimum strength of 20 employees. Small organizations which do not have minimum strength can register themselves voluntarily. If an employee drawing salary more than 15000 per month , it is not mandatory […]

Types of Business Entity

March 3, 2022 6183 Views 0 comment Print

If you’re thinking about starting a business, then you are at right place to decide whether you should start business individually or in partnership and which license are required for business. If you are thinking to start business individually then you can start business as sole proprietor or one person company and if you wants […]

Food Registration, Licence, Renewal and FAQs

January 27, 2022 6384 Views 0 comment Print

All the food business operators engaged with manufacturing, processing, storage distribution and transportation of food products are required to obtain FSSAI registration or license. Food registration or license is required to be taken by food business operators to ensure quality of food products. Licenses and Registrations are granted to Food Business Operators in a 3 […]

Dormant Companies

January 20, 2022 18273 Views 0 comment Print

SECTION 455 OF COMPANIES ACT 2013 DORMANT COMPANY:- Where a company is formed and registered under this Act for a future project or to hold an asset or intellectual property or if company is an inactive company, may make an application to the Registrar in such manner as may be prescribed for obtaining the status […]

Strike off of LLP Without Filing of Annual Returns (Form-8 & 11)

September 22, 2021 11526 Views 0 comment Print

Before Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2017 LLP was required to file all pending annual returns before making an application for strike off of LLP in form-24 But the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009, namely:— 1. (1) These rules called the Limited Liability Partnership […]

Loan or Guarantee/Security to Directors by Private Company (Sec. 185)

September 3, 2021 4626 Views 0 comment Print

(1) No company shall, directly or indirectly, advance any loan, including any loan represented by a book debt to, or give any guarantee or provide any security in connection with any loan taken by,— (a) any director of company, or of a company which is its holding company or any partner or relative of    any […]

Sale or Transfer of Trademark To other Individual/Legal Entity

August 6, 2021 3303 Views 2 comments Print

A trademark is a unique symbol or word(s) used to represent a business or its products. It is an easily recognizable symbol, phrase, or word that denotes a specific product. It legally differentiates a product or service from all others of its kind and recognizes the source company’s ownership of the brand. Once it is registered, […]

Relaxation in time for filing form DPT-3, CFSS And CHG-1

July 1, 2021 2082 Views 0 comment Print

RELAXATION IN TIME FOR FILING OF FORM CHG-1/CHG-9 In continuation of the  Ministry’s  General Circular no. 07/2021, it has been decided to substitute the figure “31.05.2021” and “01.06.2021” wherever they appear in the said circular with the figures “31.07.2021” and “01.08.2021” in respect of relaxation of time for filing of forms related to creation or […]

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