New System for Annual Return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets Reporting (FLAIR) by Indian Companies Earlier the Foreign Exchange Department of Reserve Bank of India stipulated that all Indian companies which have received FDI and/or made FDI abroad (i.e. overseas investment) in the previous year(s) including the current year, should file the annual return on […]
As per relevant clauses of Direct Selling Guidelines, Every Direct selling entity intending to carry out direct selling business subsequent to the publication of the notification in the Gazette, shall within 90 days comply with the following set of conditions for the conduct of direct selling business: be a registered legal entity under the laws […]
The scheme of auto generation of FSSAI Registration Certificate is discontinued practices with effect from 30th April, 2019. Now, the application after submission and payment of requisite fees forwarded for scrutiny which is required to be completed by Fssai within 7 days. If the FSSAI Application is not approved or denied or inspected within 7 […]
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of India notified revised rules for Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) effective w.e.f 02nd October, 2018. The LLP (Second Amendment) Rules, 2018 introduced the revised procedure for incorporation of the LLPs and related e-forms. New Process of Incorporation of LLPs: 1. Introduction of a Web Service titled ‘RUN-LLP […]
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs prescribed the guidelines for intended direct selling business operators which is required to be followed to take prior approval from Ministry of Consumer Affairs. The Direct Selling Companies highly praised the consumer affairs ministry for the guidelines, which industry executives said would remove fraudulent players, help serious companies grow, protect […]