AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT? The phrases ‘agreement’ and ‘contract’ are sometimes used interchangeably. However, not all agreements are contracts, and not all contracts are agreements. Take master services agreements, for example, which, despite their name, are frequently enforceable contracts. Confused? Don’t be concerned. We’re here to help you decipher contract lingo so you don’t get them […]
WHEN IEPF-2 IS REQUIRED? The IEPF stands for Investor Education and Protection Fund, and it is used to safeguard investors, as the name suggests. We attempted to write an essay on the IEPF-2 form, as well as its criteria and timelines, in the hopes that you will find it informative and relevant. Let’s take a closer […]
Company Incorporation- In general usage, the term ‘incorporation‘ refers to the process of forming a legal corporation out of a firm, city, or other entity. In order to form a business in India, you must follow the regulations set forth in the Companies Act of 2013. Directors- Person who examine the day-to-day operations of the company, make […]
What is the definition of a patent? A patent is a statutory right provided by the government to the patentee for a set length of time in return for full disclosure of his invention and the prohibition of others from creating, using, selling, or importing the patented product or method for those purposes without his […]
Any name that is not the name of a country, region, or locality of that country is also considered a geographical indication for the purposes of this clause if it relates to a specific geographical area and is used on or in relation to specific goods originating from that country, region, or locality.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Intellectual property is a type of property that is formed by the use of intellectual faculties. It is the outcome of a person’s intellectual pursuits. Thus, Intellectual Property refers to mental creations such as innovations, industrial product designs, literary and creative works, and symbols that are eventually exploited in business. When their creations […]
Striking a company’s name off the register is an alternate method of ceasing business. For specific situations, the Registrar of Companies (‘ROC’) can issue a notice to strike the company name from the Register of Companies. The firm can also file a request with the ROC to have its name removed from the Register of […]
PRODUCER COMPANIES- (Section 581A to 581Z) of Companies Act 2013 Producer means any person engaged in any activity connected with or relatable to any primary produce and Producer Company means a body corporate having objects or activities specified in section 581B and registered as Producer Company under this Act. Object of Producer Company– Production, harvesting, […]
Q.1 What is meaning of the term copyright? Ans. A Copyright is ultimately a right provided by the law to the persons who are ultimately the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. Indeed, it is a bundle of rights involving, rights of reproduction, communication to the […]
FOOD PROCESSING UNITS The Food processing is method of converting the agricultural items into food, or of one type of food into different structures. Food handling incorporates many types of handling food varieties, from crushing grain to make crude flour to home cooking to complex modern strategies used to make comfort food varieties. Essential food handling […]