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Vivek Jalan

Latest Posts by Vivek Jalan

IBC has overriding effect over provisions of Income Tax & GST Act

April 7, 2023 4959 Views 0 comment Print

Discover the overriding effect of IBC (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code) over Income Tax and GST Acts. Supreme Court rulings and legal provisions explained. Stay informed on the legal landscape for corporate debtors.

Mere usage of name of Foreign AE not convert a transaction into international transaction

April 3, 2023 1023 Views 0 comment Print

Philips India Ltd. vs ACIT (ITAT Kolkata) In many cases, licensed manufacturers operate as risk-bearing entrepreneurs, and there is no existence of an ‘agreement’ or ‘arrangement’ or ‘understanding’ with the AE regarding AMP expenditure, the initial onus is on the revenue to show that there is an international transaction for AMP spend. The mere fact […]

Interest u/s 36(1)(iii) allowed as deduction even for purchase of Capital Asset

March 31, 2023 11493 Views 0 comment Print

It was held that where an assessee claims deduction of interest paid on capital borrowed, assessee had to show that capital which was borrowed was used for business purpose in relevant year and it did not matter either capital was borrowed in order to acquire a revenue asset or a capital asset.

PMLA Act and Maintenance of records become more stringent

March 29, 2023 2640 Views 0 comment Print

Explore the recent amendments to the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002, making regulations on cryptocurrency transactions more stringent. Understand the expanded scope, documentation requirements, and implications for reporting entities under the PMLA Act.

Where unexplained income cannot be entangled in clutches of Section 69 family

March 27, 2023 5505 Views 0 comment Print

DCIT Vs Shri Krishna Kumar Verma (ITAT Indore) Sections 68,69,69A,69B,69C and 69D may be called as Section 68 & 69 Family. However, they differ in as far as Burden of Proof is concerned. In sec 68, the onus is wholly upon the Assessee to explain the source of the entry. But in cases falling under […]

MOOWR Scheme: A Must For Manufacturers to Save 1% – 3% of Cost

March 25, 2023 36798 Views 0 comment Print

Unlock significant cost savings with the MOOWR (Manufacturing & Other Operations in Warehouse) Scheme! Explore the benefits, implementation, and how manufacturers can save 1% – 3% of costs through this insightful guide.

Onus is on assessee to establish factum of conduit company

March 25, 2023 1290 Views 0 comment Print

Dhanwan Leasing and Finance Vs ITO (ITAT Indore) Section 68 of the Act provides that where any sum is found to be credited in the books of an assessee maintained for any previous year, and the assessee offers no explanation about the nature and source thereof or the explanation offered by him is not, in […]

The Court may throw a meritorious case for latches if filing is an afterthought

March 23, 2023 1812 Views 0 comment Print

t was decided that Incase it can be proved that the delay in filing of the appeal was on the advice of a professional, it would be considered that the delay is not attributable on the negligent/casual approach of the assessee.

TNM Method not appropriate in determining ALP in capital goods purchase transaction

March 21, 2023 1086 Views 0 comment Print

Learn why the TNM method may not be suitable for determining the Arms Length Price (ALP) in capital goods purchase transactions under transfer pricing regulations in India. Understand the legal perspectives and recent case decisions.

ESOP expenditure and their allowability in Income Tax

March 18, 2023 3372 Views 0 comment Print

Understand the tax treatment of ESOPs: ESOP expenses can be deducted if incurred for employees’ benefit, as affirmed by various court cases.

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