But with the introduction of the GST in India, it is going to change the commercial tax scenario prevailing in the fishing sector. Stakeholder are of the view that it is will hit hard. Almost all the items related to fisheries sector are subject to GST.
Punjab government can’t exempt the inputs to langar on its own. It has to put up the matter in GST Council and if council agrees and recommend the same to the Parliament and subsequently if the Parliament approve such scheme of exemption, only than it can be possible.
In GST Model LAW 2016, the government has put a big responsibility on the shoulders of CMAs and has asked them to verify various transactions of business houses through audit, inspection, verification and certification.
In the below PPT Authors have tried to give over all view of major clauses of Model GST Law, 2016 so that one can understand about GST Model law and its provisions. Read / Download PPT Download PPT on GST Model Law and GST Business Reports Read PPT
Electricity is an important source of commercial energy. In recent years increased price of electricity has raised many socioeconomic and political issues. Although, there are any reasons for rise in the price of electricity but this article high lights the cascading effects of taxes in power sector. The power sector should be included in the […]