Please find below synopsis of recent important updates issued by DGFT for your quick reference: Office Memorandum: F. No. 605/58/2015-DBK (Pt. II) dated 12 Nov 2020: The MEIS, introduced in April 2015, will be wound up by 31 December 2020. The government has already announced the Remission of Duty or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) […]
Please find below a brief update on various announcements made by CBIC in relation to extension in due dates and reduction in rate of interest for late payment of taxes and filing of various returns under GST. Before you go into the detailed update and preparation of revised calendar for your organisation, we would like […]
As a part of special measures / relaxations drive from various departmental authorities, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has issued Instructions and Circulars to clarify on various aspect including Special Refund Drive, e Bill of Entry and Clearance without Bond. We have encapsulated important aspects from the clarifications for your reference: […]
On account of COVID 19, Indian Government is trying to provide relieves / measures to address the confusion / unrest in the industry. In continuation of our earlier email for extension of validity of policy and other parameters addressed by Commerce Ministry, we would also like to provide a brief of some of the important […]
Referring to our News Update in relation to measures under discussion with Commerce Ministry on account of COVID-19 pandemic, Director General of Foreign Trade has issued various Notifications, Trade Notices and Public Notices to address relief / extension of validity of various schemes and applicability of Foreign Trade Policy beyond 31 March 2020. Please find […]
As we all are aware that MEIS benefit has been withdrawn for item under Chapter 61, 62 and 63 of ITC HS 2017 for exports made with effect from 7 March 2019.
The Director General of Foreign Trade has issued 2 trade notices providing clarification in relation to mis-classification of goods under ‘Others’ category at the time of import. We have encapsulated both the trade notices for your quick reference. Trade Notice No. 46/2019-20 dated 17 January 2020 It has come to the notice of departmental authorities […]
As we all are aware that several cases of monetisation of credit fraudulently obtained or ineligible credit through refund of Integrated Goods & Service Tax (IGST) on exports of goods have been detected in past few months. On verification, several such exporters were found to be non-existent in a number of cases. In all these […]
Similarly, for exports to Nepal under South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) and SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA), the Preferential Certificate of Origin shall be applied and issued only from this platform with effect from 18th December 2019.
As we all are aware, Central and State Governments have shown their interest in closing pending cases under erstwhile regime on introduction of GST. As a part of this endeavor, Gujarat Government issued a VAT / CST amnesty scheme on 11 Sept 2019 to be effective from 15 Sept 2019. However,on receipt of various representations […]