Vikas Chaudhary Vs Union of India (Delhi High Court) Having noted the relevant extracts of both the OM dated 27.10.2010 and the OM dated 05.12.2017, I may deal with the first issue as to whether the Court can interfere with the issuance of a Look Out Circular (LOC). In my view, even though the respondents […]
Deployment of Interest Calculator in GSTR-3B 1. The new functionality of interest calculator in GSTR-3B is now live on the GST Poral. 2. This functionality will facilitate & assist the taxpayers in doing self-assessment. This functionality will arrive at the system computed interest on the basis of the tax liability values declared by the taxpayers, […]
At present, in Finacle CBS System, the PAN Card of the Depositors are updated as part of KYC compliance. The PAN Card entered in the system is validated only based on the standard PAN format i.e. 10 ALPHA Numeric Characters. But the correctness of the PAN card numbers provided by the Depositors or the PAN entered by the Post Office officials are not validated with NSDL currently.
Conventional RT PCR Test wherein samples are collected by Private lab teams for Government and processed further at their lab and Conventional RT PCR Test wherein individual gives their samples at the Labs/Private Hospitals/Collection facilities for paid testing at their own expense (including all charges-sample collection & testing cost at the site)
Ripple started in 2009 when Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym) published his research paper titled ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash system’. Abstract explains ‘A peer-to-peer electronic cash system would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution’. We usually refer to this system as ‘Decentralized Finance’ or […]
In terms of Regulation 42 (2) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 as in force, a candidate may apply for ‘Verification of Marks’ in any subject(s) of CS examination within 21 days from the date of declaration of his/her result. The interested candidates can apply for verification of marks either through on-line or off-line mode as per prescribed procedure with requisite fee @ Rs. 250/- per subject.
Mohit Bansal Vs Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Delhi High Court) Facts- The petitioner was enrolled as CA on 25th January 2008. After his enrolment, vide judgement dated 23rd September 2009, the petitioner was convicted by the Trial court for the offences punishable under section 376(2)(g) read with Explanation I and section 506-II of the […]
RBI issues regulations under the amended Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 Government of India has recently amended the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 (the Act) which widens the scope of companies that can undertake factoring business. The Act permits Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) to file the particulars of assignment of receivables transactions with the Central Registry […]
Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency based on blockchain technology, which enables a peer to peer network without the intervention of a centralized agency. Cryptocurrency gained popularity with the introduction of Bitcoin by a programmer under the name Satoshi Nakatomo. Bitcoin gained significance in light of the collapse of the financial system which culminated in the Great Recession.
Registration for December, 2021 (November 2021 cycle) pass out candidates begins on 15th February’22 and will end on 21st February’. Candidates who passed out prior to December, 2021 (November 2021 cycle) but could not apply in regular campus due to certain reasons, specified below, are now eligible for February-March’22 campus and their online registration begins on 1st February’.