FCRA CHARTER FOR THE BANKS The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (FCRA, 2010) assigns a very crucial role to banks. All foreign contributions (FCs) received from any ‘foreign source’ (FS) must be necessarily received only in a bank account and must be routed and spent only through bank accounts. Therefore, the competent authorities in the […]
New ‘Extend’ functionality shall be introduced as part of SPICe+ Part A w.e.f. 26th January, 2021 New ‘Extend’ functionality shall be introduced as part of SPICe+ Part A in line with Rule 9A ‘Extension of reservation of name in certain cases’ of the Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020 with effect from 26th January 2021. […]
The last date for electronic uploading of form e-704, for the financial year 2019-20, is 1st March, 2021 and the last date for submission of abovementioned physical documents is 12th March, 2021.
All India Protest Call by nearly 200 associations including Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Associations, Trade Associations, Professional Bodies on 29th January 2021 to demand Better Tax Administration, ease of doing business and good governance. WHY THESE PROTESTS 1. Unstable GST Law even after 4 years, which has resulted in large scale disturbances of business, caused […]
We have come a long way from when a man was anticipated to be the breadwinner and the sole earner in the family. During these horrible phase, a woman was expected to stay at home and do her sole work – look after the household. Today, women and men are economically and socially equal. The […]
As a community of tax payers and contributories to the growth of the nation, we write this, with a pained heart, that the recent actions and approach of FMO, MCA and others in our own Government, do not reflect the welfare mind state required of a People’s Government. Our discomfort is not with the Government but with the policies charted against its own people.
Ind AS 23 prescribes the accounting treatment for recognising the borrowing costs incurred by entities. It sets out the criteria for capitalising the borrowing costs or for charging the borrowing costs as expense to the statement of profit and loss.
Securities and Exchange Board of India Consultation Paper on introduction of provisions relating to appointment / re‑appointment of persons who fail to get elected as Whole-time directors / Managing Directors at the general meeting of a listed entity Jan 27, 2021 | Reports : Reports for Public Comments 1. Objective To solicit public comments / […]
The subject matter of challenge in the present writ application is to the Entry No.3(if) of the Notification No.11/217 -Central Tax (Rate) dated 28th June, 217 read with Para-2 of the said notification. It appears that the writ applicant has entered into an agreement with a developer, i.e., the fourth respondent herein with respect to a purchase of plot of land
On 16th January Twitter user Sudhir Parmar has asked CBIC two question related to claim of ITC in case of filing of Quarterly Return by Supplier. Question asked were as follows:- 1. Will the Buyer of QRMP opter get ITC each month if the tax payer files R1 at quarter end, instead of uploading invoices […]