INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR- An independent director is a non-executive director of a company who brings in objectivity and independence in the decision making by the Board of Directors of the company. As an independent director, he should not be related to the promoters of the company. He should not have any pecuniary interest in the company, […]
PROCEDURE TO CONDUCT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) OF COMPANIES THROUGH VIDEO CONFERENCING (VC) DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Procedure To Conduct Annual General Meeting (Agm) Of Companies Through Video Conferencing During The Covid-19 Pandemic The Pandemic COVID-19 has affected the whole world, especially the corporate sector, by shutting down the businesses to maintain social distancing and thus resulting […]
Importance of website Disclosure: The companies having their website are required to adhere to certain provisions and compliances about website disclosures. It must be in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. These days, nearly every company has an online presence. However, certain website disclosures are still […]
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”) vide its notification dated 22nd January 2019, made certain amendments to the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Amendment Rules, 2014 (Deposit Rules) wherein following are the key amendments relating to the return of deposits: Annual Return (Rule 16):Every company (other than a government company) should use form DPT-3 (return of […]
ANNUAL RETURN 01. THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT REQUIRES COMPANIES TO DISPLAY THEIR ANNUAL RETURNS ON COMPANY WEBSITES FROM 28TH AUGUST 2020. [S.O. 2920(E)] The Central Government has appointed 28 August 2020 as the date on which the provision of section 23 clause (ii) of the Company (Amendment) Act, 2017 shall come into force. 23. In section […]
Provision of Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 shall apply to every Companies including a Foreign Company as defined under Section 2(42) of Companies Act, 2013.
ANNUAL RETURN 1. THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT REQUIRES COMPANIES TO DISPLAY THEIR ANNUAL RETURNS ON COMPANY WEBSITES FROM 28TH AUGUST 2020. [S.O. 2920(E)] The Central Government has appointed 28 August 2020 as the date on which the provision of section 23 clause (ii) of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 shall come into force. In section 92 […]