The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) has issued a circular dated February 25, 2025, reinforcing the requirement for regulated entities to register on the FIU-IND FINGate 2.0 portal for compliance with its Anti Money Laundering (AML), Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT), and Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines, 2022. Registration must be completed before commencing business, or within 30 days if business operations begin urgently. Entities facing technical issues must report them weekly to FIU-IND and IFSCA. Additionally, any changes or additions to a Line of Business must be updated on the portal within 30 days. If registration or updates are not possible due to uncontrollable reasons, entities must submit filings under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, via email. Non-compliance will be considered a breach of licensing conditions, potentially impacting the entity’s registration, recognition, or authorization. The circular is available on the IFSCA website.
International Financial Services Centres Authority
Circular No. F. No. IFSCA/2/2025-AMLCFT/01 Dated: 25th February 2025
All Regulated Entities
Sub: Registration on FIU-IND FINGate 2.0 portal for compliance with International Financial Services Centres Authority (Anti Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Know Your Customer) Guidelines, 2022.
1. This Circular is issued in continuance of the Circular dated 14th March 2024, issued under F. No. 886/IFSCA/FATF-C/Coordination/2023-24, regarding Registration on FIU-IND FINGate 2.0 portal (‘FIU-IND Portal’) for compliance with International Financial Services Centres Authority (Anti Money Laundering, Counter-Terrorist Financing and Know Your Customer) Guidelines, available at .
2. The Regulated Entities shall ensure that the registration on FIU-IND portal is completed prior to commencement of business and in case of an urgency to commence business, the registration shall be completed within 30 days from the date of commencement of business. In the event of any difficulty in registration, including technical issues, the Regulated Entities shall intimate the same via email to the FIU-IND helpdesk ( with a copy to following email addresses:
Additionally, a copy shall also be marked to the Division of AML & CFT, International Financial Services Centres Authority at email-id: on a weekly basis until such registration is completed.
3. The Regulated Entities shall also ensure that any addition or modification to their Line of Business is updated on the FIU-IND portal within a period of thirty days from the date of commencement of such an additional Line of Business.
4. Where a Regulated Entity is unable to complete the registration due to reasons beyond the control of the Regulated Entity or an update on the FIU-IND portal prior to commencement of business, it shall make all necessary filing under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 with FIU-IND through email, stating the reason for not reporting through FINGate 2.0 portal.
5. The requirements outlined in paragraphs 2 and 3 above shall be deemed to be part of the Conditions for registration / recognition / license / authorization and noncompliance thereof shall be construed as breach of terms and conditions of registration / recognition / license / authorization.
6. Copy of this circular is available on the IFSCA website at
Pradeep Deo,
Chief General Manager,
Division of AML & CFT, IFSCA