Since we are talking about CMA first thing comes in our mind is that it’s just only concerns and deals with costing and accounting but now the title and role got changed as with India’s continuous growth and need for better and efficient mechanism needed to be adopted for survival in competition and increasing profits with full of productivity.
Hence, with view to operating corporate under dynamic business environmental concerns, need for better governance, business analytics and performance enhancement has to be focused to deal with such issues and for this purpose CMAs’ with their blend of technical and industry specific course content proves best in offering 360 degree corporate and strategic level solutions as it contributes in delivering solutions in multiple dimensions such as strategic finance, strategic costing, strategic performance management, corporate tax planning, financial and management accounting, corporate law and so on.
It also offers in depth study and execution of concurrent issue like ESG-Environmental, Social, and Governance and evaluation of business ratings on the basis of this ESG parameter has been made compulsory for certain categories of business verticals by SEBI to be evaluated on ESG ground.
CMAs’ are extensively contributing in this dawn era to a diverse set of managerial, analytical and strategic level decisions that is called as a backbone and a heart of any business on which any business can grow.
CMAs’ are acting as a decision maker, an advisor, a consultant and an auditor at any business concern. Hence keeping in mind about its holistic approach of this course it has emerged as dawn era of finance professionals.