New Delhi, the 6th June, 2022
S.O. 2601(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of section 16 read with section 17 and sub-section 3 of section 25 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government, after consulting the Bureau of Indian standards, is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest, here by makes the following Order, namely:-
1. Short title, commencement and – (1) This Order may be called the Jute Bags (Quality Control) Order, 2022.
(2) It shall come in to force with effect from the date of issuance of the above
(3) It shall apply to goods or article specified in column (2) of the Table below, but shall not apply to such goods or article meant for export.
2. Compulsory use of Standard -. Goods or article specified in column (2) of the Table below shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard given in column (3) of the said Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards as per Scheme-I of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations,2018.
3. Certification and Enforcement Authority.-The Bureau of Indian Standards shall be the certifying and enforcing authority in respect of the goods or article specified in column (2) of the Table.
4. Penalty for Contravention. – Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Order shall be punishable under the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,2016.
Sl. No. |
Goods or article | Indian Standard | Title of Indian Standard |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
1. | A-twill jute bags | IS 1943: 1995 | Textiles-A-twill jute bags-Specification |
2. | B-twill jute bags for packing food grains | IS 2566:1993 | Textiles-B-twill jute bags for packing food grains-Specification |
3. | Jute bags for packing 50 kg food grains | IS 12650:2018 | Textiles-Jute bags for packing 50 kg food grains-Specification |
4. | Jute bags for packing 50 kg sugar | IS 15138:2010 | Textiles-Jute bags for packing 50kg sugar-Specification |
5. | Light weight jute sacking bags for packing 50 kg food grains | IS 16186:2014 | Textiles-Light weight jute sacking bags for packing 50 kg food grains Specification |
6. | Jute bags for packing up to 30 kg food grains | IS 16372:2015 | Textiles-Jute bags for packing up to 30 kg food grains- Specification |
Note : The latest version of Indian Standards including amendments issued thereof, as published and notified by the Bureau from time to time, shall be applicable from the date as notified by the Bureau.
[F. No. J-15/1/2022-Jute Section]