Subject : Broad Banding Inputs for Export Products
Attention is invited to ALC Circular No. 4/95, dated 15.3.1995 issued by Shri H.L. Aswal, Deputy Director, DGFT to the effect that the facility of broad banding inputs required for manufacture of export products is available to Electronic, Writing Instruments, Garments and Pharmaceuticals. The Circular also mentions that the Export Schemes under the Facility of broad-banding is available have the backing of relevant Customs Exemption Notifications.
2. It is clarified that broad-banding under the Customs Notifications is restricted to Electronics under Customs Notification No. 203/92 (as amended by Customs Exemption Notification No. 6/94) and and to writing Instruments under Customs Notification No. 203/92 (as amended by Customs Exemption Notification No. 199/ 94). There is no broad-banding facility extended by Customs in respect of Pharmaceuticals under any Customs Notifications issued by the Department of Revenue under the DEEC Scheme. In respect of Garments Customs Notification No. 104/93, dated 16.3.1993, there is a limited facility of broad-banding available in respect of the inputs imported in terms of the Ministry Commerce Notification No. 39 (N-7/ 92-97, dated 27.8.1992 under paragraph 53 of the EXIM Policy (April 1992 – March 1997) Published vide Public Notice No. 1 – ITC(PN)/92-97, dated 31.3.1992. The said Scheme is subject to actual user condition under which the materials imported are to be actually used for the manufacture to export product.
3. The above aspects have also been brought to the notice of DGFT requesting him to issue an urgent clarification that the broad-banding facility in respect of Garments is restricted to the Special Scheme announced under the Public Notice of the DGFT mentioned above. In respect of Pharmaceuticals, DGFT have been informed that there is no such facility available under any Customs Notification.