F. No. 16011/9/2019-T
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport Et Highways
(Transport Section)
Transport Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated : 27th of November,2020
The Chief Secretaries of all State Governments / Union Territories
Subject: Motor Vehicle Aggregators Guidelines-2020
Your kind attention is invited to the provision of Section 36 of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 which provides for the amendment of section 93 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 relating to the Motor Vehicle Aggregator Guidelines. The amended provision provides that- “while issuing the license to an aggregator the State Government may follow such guidelines as may be issued by the Central Government”.
2. The Ministry through the notification S.O. 4251 (E) dated 26th of November, 2020 has enforced the Section 36 of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019. In pursuance of the provision under Section 93 of Motor Vehicles Act,1988, this Ministry has issued the Motor Vehicle Aggregator Guidelines, 2020. A copy of the same is enclosed with this letter for perusal and further appropriate action. These guidelines will provide a guiding framework to the State Governments / UTs to consider for issuance of licenses as well as regulating the business being conducted by such Aggregators.
Yours faithfully,
(Priyank Bharti)
Joint Secretary (Transport)
Ph. No:011-23717294
Email ID: jspb-morth®gov.in
Encl. : As above
Copy to:
1. Principal Secretary/Secretary (Transport) of all State Governments and UTs for information and necessary action
2. Technical Director, NIC, MORTH for uploading on the website of the Ministry
Download Full Text of Motor vehicle Aggregator Guidelines 2020