What, if a Company have filed with ROC any E-Form with wrong particulars and the same gets approved?
How to cancel SRN NO.?
Yes, an approved SRN can be cancelled!
- Visit the respective ROC of the States, where the registered office of the situated.
- ROC will guide how to SRN get cancelled.
- ROC will take an application, Affidavit, and Undertakings/Declaration from the Directors/Certifying Professionals before cancelling SRN.
*Note: Format of the abovementioned documents given below
Draft format of Application for cancellation of SRN
The Registrar of Companies Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Sub: Application for Cancellation of (Form name)………………… in respect of (Purpose of filling form) … …. filed vide SRN: … dated …
Dear Sir/Ma’am
With reference to the subject matter, we, M/s ……………………. (Company Name), hereby inform you that we have filed …………(Form Name) vide SRN:………… dated ……………………… with the Registrar of Companies, …………………….. (ROC Jurisdiction) by mistake/with wrong particulars. The facts ……………………………. (Detailed facts)
Further, we wish to clarify that ………………………………………
(Proper clarification).
Therefore, we request you to kindly cancel/ nullify the aforesaid Form vide SRN: ……………………………….dated…………………………..
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely
FOR (Name of the Company)
(Name of the Director)
Draft format of Affidavit from Director
I, Mr …., S/o, Mr. ……….. , R/o,…………………….., aged………………………, Director of the ………………………. (hereinafter called as “Company”), incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/ Companies Act, 2013 having its registered office at ………….... and having CIN …………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:
1. That the Company has submitted an application dated ………………. to the Deputy Registrar, Registrar of Companies, wherein the Company has requested for the cancellation of SRN No……..dated …...owing to the fact that the Company has uploaded the E form by mistake/with wrong attachments mentioning therein However, the meeting was actually held on The Company has requested the Registrar through application for the cancellation of the above said SRN and thereafter filing of afresh form with the correct attachments and correct date of Board Meeting in the form.
2. That the company has been further directed to submit this affidavit subsequent to the submission of application stated as above.
3. That this affidavit is only for the Cancellation of E-Form having a SRN No. ……………………. dated ………………. and not for any other purpose.
4. That it is hereby confirmed that the only change in the form is with respect to Date of Board Meeting from……………to…………and no other change in the form as well as documents will take place.
5. That the Company has applied for the cancellation of E form only because of the reason duly described above in point no. 1 of this affidavit and further summarised at point no. 4.
6. That the Directors shall be personally liable for any future liability or obligation arises, if any owing to the cancellation of SRN of this E-form.
7. That the Company does not have any management disputes and there is no litigation pending with regard to management or shareholding of the
8. That as on date, no prosecution for any offence under the Companies Act, 2013 or any of the other acts is pending against the Company or against the directors of the Company.
I solemnly state that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that it conceals nothing and that no part of it is false.
Signature: _______________
I verify that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: ___________
Draft format of Declaration/ Undertakings from Director/Professional
The Deputy Registrar
Registrar of Companies
Sub: Declaration from the Director/Professional
Ref: Application for cancellation of the SRN of the form vide SRN No……………..dated ………...
Dear Sir/Ma’am
With reference to the subject matter I hereby confirm that the contents of the affidavit attached herewith are correct & the Form……… is wrongly filed in the name of Company, hence………………(facts in brief).
We are hereby request you to kindly process the case.
Thanking You.
Yours’s faithfully,
Address: …………………..
we want to cancel approval srn of filed form,when would be application date, affidavit and declaration from director, actually date of srn filed 13.01.2021 and
please rely to me
Is it possible to cancel approved DIR-12 filed on 03.01.2020 by following the above procedure. Because affixed DSC is of the old director.
i made a mistak in filling AOC 4 and MGT 7 for the FY 2018-19 and there is error in mistake to mension date of AGM. and i want to change can i do so?
hi i am facing same problem can you suggest the procedure
SRN is relating to which Form?
Roc delhi refuses to cancel srn. I submitted all mentioned papers.
Yes, but subject to the application to NCLT you can do.
This facility is only for very specific cases or AOC-4 and MGT-7 forms only, where you can not change initial data like balance sheet etc.
is revising the form filed is so simple?
Or is it only in case of details like board meeting date or resolution number but not the contents of the form ie values mentioned therein. Under which provision is this allowed by ROCs.