In continuation to my previous post about INC 22A titled as ‘Concept of Geo-tagging‘, here’s a detailed list enumerating the steps to be followed while filing INC 22A:
♣ Download the form and enter a valid CIN and pre-fill.
♣ For ascertain the latitude & longitude, I have downloaded an app called ”Latitude Longitude” by financept on my smart phone. All one needs to do is enter the address of the Registered Office and the Latitude and longitude is displayed. Alternatively one can also find the latitude and longitude through Google Maps.
♣ The Number of Directors is pre-filled.
In case of No. of directors are beyond the limit , Specify the Date of passing Resolution and SRN of MGT 14.( Before filing eform, please ensure that the DINs of all Directors are in ‘approved’ status and are neither ‘De-activated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ nor ‘Disqualified u/s 164(2)’)
♣ All other details viz, statutory Auditor, Cost Auditor , MD/CEO/Manager/WTD , CS , CFO , SRN of forms AOC-4/AOC-4 XBRL and MGT 7 will all be pre-filled.
♣ Photograph of Registered Office showing external building and inside office also showing therein at least one director/ KMP who has affixed his/her Digital Signature to this form is to be attached, i.e, 3 photos to be attached – 1. Outer building, 2. Inner building (in my opinion , it should be preferably with the name plate of the Company) & 3. Director /KMP present in the office.
♣ After ensuring that all the above is done, one need to verify the form & enter particulars of the Director & the second Director/ KMP / CS signing the form along with details of practicing professional certifying the form.
♣ After affixation of signature of Director & the second Director/ KMP / CS, the last step is pres-scrutiny of the form after which OTP verification of e-mail id can be done. Please note that the OTP is valid for only 30 mins & 10 times is the limit for a day. As soon as we get the OTP, promptly type it and click the link for verification should be clicked.
♣ Lastly send the form for certification & uploading.
Happy Compliance!!!