Gujarat Sales Tax Bar Association (GSTBA) has requested Finance Minister to extend the due dates for filing Form GSTR-1 and Form GSTR-3B. Last date of filing the Return Form GSTR -1 of October 2018 is 10th of November and filling of Form 3B and payment of tax is 20/11/2018 which are falling during Diwali.
Also Read: Serial number 4A of Table 4 of FORM GSTR-4 not needed to be filled
Text of the Representation is as follows:-
October 12, 2018
Shri Arun Jaitley,
Hon. Finance Minister,
The Government of India,
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub : Extension of time limit – for Furnishing of Form GSTR – 1 and 3B.
With reference to the above subject, we the members of the Gujarat Sales Tax Bar Association (GSTBA) would like to bring to your kind notice that, the last date of filing the Return GSTR -1 of October 2018 is 10th of November and filling of Form 3B and payment of tax is 20/11/2018. As your good self must be Aware that during this period Diwali is celebrated throughout the country and mostly all the offices and shops will remain close during this period starting from 05th November till 11th November 2018. We are putting the dates for your kind reference.
Sr.No. | Date | Nature of Holiday |
1. | 7th November 2018 | Diwali |
2. | 8th November 2018 | New Year |
3. | 9th November 2018 | Bhai Duj |
4. | 10th November 2018 | 2nd Saturday |
5. | 11th November 2018 | Sunday |
In India, during Diwali festival almost all offices and shops are closed, it is not possible for dealers and tax professionals to make compliance of filing tax returns and payment of tax during this period.
Therefore your good self is requested to kindly consider the difficulties faced by the dealers and the professionals and to extend the said date to 30th November 2018 for both GSTR-1 as well as 3B.
We are quite sure that you will consider our plea and will give the positive response.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
For The Gujarat Sales Tax Bar Association,
Snehal K. Thakkar
Hon. Secretary