Paragraph 2.79 D has been included in the Handbook of Procedures of FTP 2015- 20 to lay down the procedure for export of SCOMET items for display/exhibition/tenders/RFP/ RFQ/NIT purposes vide Public Notice No. 34/2015-20 dated 4th September, 2018.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan
Public Notice No. 34/2015-20
New Delhi, Dated the 4 September, 2018
Subject:- Inclusion of Paragraph 2.79 D in the Handbook of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 to notify the procedure for export of SCOMET items for display/exhibition/tenders/RFP/RFQ/NIT purposes.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Forcign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby makes amendment to the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of FTP 2015-20 for inclusion of Paragraph 2.79 D, with immediate effect.
2. The para 2.79 D relating to export of SCOMET items for display/exhibition/tenders/ RFP/RFQ/NIT will read as under:
“Para 2.79 D Issue of export authorizations for display/exhibition/tenders/RI:P/RFQ/NIT of SCOMET items
Authorizations for export of items in SCOMET List (other than those under Category 0, 1, 2 and 6 or ‘Technology’ or ‘Software’ in any category) solely for purposes of (a) Display (b) Exhibition (c) Tenders/RFP/RFQJNIT shall be considered by Chairman IMWG, on the following conditions:
(a) Such cases would be considered purely on temporary export basis for a specified time period;
(b) No end user certificate would be insisted upon in such cases;
(c) There shall not be any commercial transaction in the form of selling/buying/renting/leasing;
(d) The number of item(s) should be commensurate with the nature of export items and the purpose for which the application is being made;
(e) There shall not be any exchange/disclosure of information which could lead to transfer of technology;
(f) No export authorisation would be granted for UNSC sanctioned destinations or countries/entities of high risk, as assessed by the IMWG, from time to time;
(g) The application is accompanied with the following additional documents (depending on whichever is applicable):
(i) Proof of event (Exhibition/Display/ Tenders/RFP/RFQ/NIT)
Invitation letter / Advertisement/Notice for RFP/RFQ/NIT or any other document to authenticate (i) the event or purpose of participation (ii) schedule (in case dates not decided, probable time period) (iii) specific location of event [venue, city, country etc.];
(ii) Proof of participation:
Documents confirming participation of applicant in the event (exhibition/ display/tender/RFP/RFQ/NIT);
(iiii) An undertaking from the applicant firm:
An Undertaking on the letter head of the firm duly signed and stamped by the authorized signatory stating:
a. that the exported items will be in the custody of the exporter during the entire period of export;
b. that the exported items shall be brought back to India within 90 days after the event gets over or within the extended time, as allowed by DGFT;
c. that the Bill of Entry confirming the return back of the exported items to India shall be submitted to DGFT;
(h) Applications for grant of authorizations shall be approved by Chairrnan, IMWG after verifying the credentials of the event/organizer;
(i) All such authorizations shall be brought before IMWG in its subsequent meeting for confirmation of approval, on ex-post facto basis.”
- RFP refers to Request for Proposal
- RFQ refers to Request for Quotation
- NIT refers to Notice Inviting Tender
3. Effect of this Public Notice:
Paragraph 2.79 D has been included in the Handbook of Procedures of FTP 2015- 20 to lay down the procedure for export of SCOMET items for display/exhibition/tenders/RFP/ RFQ/NIT purposes.
(Alok Vard Chaturvedi)
Director Generafof Foreign Trade
Ex-officio Additional Sect:et-sty, Government of India
(Issued from F.No.01/91/180/18/AM-17/EC)