Securities and Exchange Board of India
Dated – November 12, 2014
The Depositories,
Asset Management Companies, Mutual Fund RTAs.
Dear Sir,
Subject: Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) for all securities assets
1. Pursuant to the Interim Budget announcement in 2014 to create one record for all financial assets of every individual, SEBI had extensive deliberations with the Depositories, AMFI and RTAs of Mutual Funds (MF-RTAs) to implement it with respect to financial assets of securities market.
2. As a first step in this direction, it has been decided to enable a single consolidated view of all the investments of an investor in Mutual Funds (MF) and securities held in demat form with the Depositories.
3. The Depositories and the Asset Management Companies (AMCs)/ MF-RTAs shall put in place systems to facilitate generation and dispatch of single Consolidated Account Statements (CAS) for investors having MF investments and holding demat accounts. AMCs/ RTAs shall share the requisite information with the Depositories on monthly basis to enable generation of CAS.
4. Consolidation of account statement shall be done on the basis of PAN. In case of multiple holding, it shall be PAN of the first holder and pattern of holding. Based on the PANs provided by the AMCs/MF-RTAs, the Depositories shall match their PAN database to determine the common PANs and allocate the PANs among themselves for the purpose of sending CAS. For PANs which are common between depositories and AMCs, the Depositories shall send the CAS. In other cases (i.e. PANs with no demat account and only MF units holding), the AMCs/ MF-RTAs shall continue to send the CAS to their unit holders as is being done presently in compliance with the Regulation 36(4) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations.
5. In case investors have multiple accounts across the two depositories, the depository having the demat account which has been opened earlier shall be the default depository which will consolidate details across depositories and MF investments and dispatch the CAS to the investor. However, option shall be given to the demat account holder by the default depository to choose the depository through which the investor wishes to receive the CAS.
6. The CAS shall be generated on a monthly basis. The AMCs /MF-RTAs shall provide the data with respect to the common PANs to the depositories within three days from the month end. The depositories shall then consolidate and dispatch the CAS within ten days from the month end.
7. Where statements are presently being dispatched by email either by the Mutual Funds or by the Depositories, CAS shall be sent through email. However, where an investor does not wish to receive CAS through email, option shall be given to the investor to receive the CAS in physical form at the address registered in the Depository system.
8. A proper grievance redressal mechanism shall be put in place by the depositories and the AMCs/MF-RTAs which shall also be communicated to the investors through CAS. AMCs/MF-RTAs would be accountable for the authenticity of the information provided through CAS in respect of MF investments and timely sharing of such information with Depositories. The Depositories would be responsible for the timely dispatch of CAS to the investors serviced by them and the demat account information.
9. The depositories and the AMCs/ MF-RTAs shall ensure data integrity and confidentiality in respect of the shared information. The depositories shall utilise the shared data only for the purpose of providing CAS and shall not share the same with their Depository Participants. Where Depositories are required to share such information with unregulated entities like third party printers, the depositories shall enter into necessary data confidentiality agreements with them.
10. The CAS shall be implemented from the month of March 2015 with respect to the transactions carried out during the month of February 2015.
11 . If an investor does not wish to receive CAS, an option shall be given to the investor to indicate negative consent. Depositories shall accordingly inform investors in their statements from the month of January 2015 about the facility of CAS and give them information on how to opt out of the facility if they do not wish to avail it.
12. Where such an option is exercised, the concerned depository shall inform the AMC/MF-RTA accordingly and the data with respect to the said investor shall not be shared by the AMC/MF-RTA with the depository.
13. If there is any transaction in any of the demat accounts of the investor or in any of his mutual fund folios, then CAS shall be sent to that investor on monthly basis. In case there is no transaction in any of the mutual fund folios and demat accounts then CAS with holding details shall be sent to the investor on half yearly basis. However, in case of demat accounts with nil balance and no transactions in securities and in mutual fund folios, the requirement to send physical statement shall be applicable as specified in SEBI circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/21/2014 issued on July 01, 2014.
14. Further, the holding statement dispatched by the DPs to their BOs with respect to the dormant demat accounts with balances shall also be dispatched half-yearly in partial modification of clauses 5(b) and 6(c) of the circular no. CIR/MRD/DP/22/2012 dated August 27, 2012.
15. The dispatch of CAS by the depositories to BOs would constitute compliance by the Depository Participants with requirement under Regulation 43 of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, to provide statements of account to the BOs as also compliance by the MFs with the requirement under Regulation 36(4) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations.
16. The Depositories are advised to:-
a) bring the provisions of this circular to the notice of their DPs and also to disseminate the same on their website;
b) make amendments to the relevant bye-laws, rules and regulations for the implementation of the above decision as may be applicable / necessary; and c) communicate to SEBI, the status of implementation of the provisions of this circular in the Monthly Development Report.
17. This circular is being issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 11 (1) of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and section 19 of the Depositories Act, 1996 to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market.
Yours faithfully,
Maninder Cheema
Deputy General Manager
so far not highly successful. may be mistake of AMCs. Invariably the pan is not added to the MF investmentS by the AMCs you have to write a number of times. hope in course of time this will become complete. BUT A GOOD ATTEMPT.