For the beginners who want to incorporate the company, can easily with the help of this article incorporate a private company. Starting from the filing form INC-1 ( reservation of name of the company), Spice form 32, Spice form 33 (MOA), Spice form 34 (AOA). There is a short list of the FORMS required to be filed during incorporation and includes what kind of information required to be filed.
Company Incorporation
Step -1 -Apply for DSC
a. Documents required for applying DSC
- DSC form
- Id proof
- Address proof
- 1 Photo
b. Information Required
- Phone no
- Email-id
- Residential Address
Step -2 Apply for DIN
a. Documents Required for applying DIN
- DSC form
- Id proof
- Address proof
- 1 Photo
b. Information Required
- Whether citizen of India
- Whether resident of India
- Occupation
- Educational Qualification
- Permanent And present residential address
- Father name
- DOB, Place of birth
- Gender
Step -3 Apply for Name Reservation ( optional)
a. Documents Required
- INC-1
- If the name requires a prior approval
- from a particular Authority, then such approval
- CG approval, if required
- NOC from other co. / other person having similar name
b. Information Required
- DIN no and contact Details (phone no, Email-id)
- Type of company
- State in which Registered office is proposed
- Details of promoter
- Brief object
- Proposed director
- Proposed name of the co.- max 6
Step-4 Incorporation of company
a. Documents Required
- Spice- 32
- Spice-33 (MOA)
- Spice-34 (AOA)
- Form INC-9 (on Stamp Paper)
- Affidavit from Directors ( on stamp paper)
- Form DIR-2
- Proof of identity
- proof of address
- Utility bill/ Electricity bill/ telephone bill
- Rent agreement/ Lease Deed/ Conveyance Deed
b. Information Required
- Main division of industrial activity
- Maximum number of members
- Correspondence of address
- Proposed name of co if approved by ROC
- Main object of the company
- Liability of the members
- Name, address, occupation, description, no of shares taken and DIN no of members
- DSC of members
Step-5 Application of PAN/TAN (filed within 2 days of submission of spice)
a.Information Required
- SRN of spice
hello mem
i am practicing advocate want to incorporate a new private limited company.
can you provide me the help.
how can i applied for incorporation,
please email me at gstguruji @
ashish kamthania advocate
dear cs anjali,
very nice article for For the beginners who want to incorporate a new company, they can easily incorporate a private company.
thanks for a nice info!