Securities and Exchange Broad of India
Neelam Bhardwaj
Deputy General Manager
Division of Issues and Listing
Phone: +91 22 2285 0451
SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/17/ 2005/11/11
November 11, 2005
To All Registered Merchant Bankers
Dear Sirs,
Sub.: Amendments to the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) {DIP} Guidelines, 2000.
1. It has been decided to modify the format of issue advertisements in Schedule XX-A of SEBI (DIP) Guidelines, 2000 (hereinafter referred as “the guidelines”) to provide for the SEBI’s disclaimer clause.
2. The amendment to the guidelines is as under:
In Part A, Part B and Part C of Schedule XX-A of the guidelines, after the heading “proposed listing” the following shall be inserted:
“ Disclaimer Clause of SEBI: SEBI only gives its observations on the offer documents and this does not constitute approval of either the issue or the offer document”.
3. The aforesaid amendments shall come into force with immediate effect.
4. This circular is available in SEBI website at Full text of the guidelines including the amendments issued vide this circular is also available in SEBI’s website under “Issues and Listing”.
Yours faithfully,
Neelam Bhardwaj