The Draft Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel of Chartered Accountants/firms for the year 2019-20 is available till 2nd Jan, 2020 at We wish to inform that we are receiving the issues from the MEF Applicants mainly arising due to technological upgradation of ICAI data and are being looked into.
After due verification, these issues would be resolved and after taking the effect, MEF Panel will again be hosted for 2 days for the verification by the Applicants on 7th January 2020.
Members can lodge their issue, if not lodged earlier, on the complaint module of MEF Application at , on or before 2nd Jan., 2020 so that these complaints can also be looked into and resolved.
For any other query/issue, please contact PDC Secretariat on 011-30110444 or 011-30110440 or write at
Professional Development Committee