Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
Trade Notice No. 16, dated 17th August, 2011
Members of Trade
All Regional Authorities of DGFT
All Custom Authorities
Sub: Allocation of quantity of Rough Marble Blocks for import for Financial Year 2011-12.
In terms of Notification No.64 (RE-2010)/2009-2014 dated 4.8.2011, the allocation of 5 lakh MT of Rough Marble Blocks for import as notified vide Notification No.64 dated 4.8.2011, is attached as Annexure to this Trade Notice.
2. Following categories of e-mails have not been considered:
(a) e-mails received before 1200 hrs on 6.8.2011 and after 1700 hrs of 10.8.2011;
(b) e-mails showing cumulative turn-over of less than Rs.5.00 crores during the period 2005-06 to 2009-10.
(c ) cases where IEC number have not been given ( & indicated as “applied for”).
3. In case, more than one e-mail was received from same IEC holder/firm, only the most recent e-mail has been considered.
4. Submission of the applications in relevant Aayat Niryat form along-with the documents prescribed as per Notification No.64 dated 4.8.2011 at concerned Regional Office, scrutiny and issue of import licence by RAs of DGFT would commence at 1000 hrs, 18th August, 2011. The last date of receipt of application along with complete documents to RA shall be 30th August, 2011, as was given in the calendar of events.
5. The Regional Authorities of DGFT shall carefully scrutinize the documents submitted, as prescribed in Notification No.64 dated 4.8.201. In case any applicant/firm is found to have submitted false or erroneous information or have made any misdeclaration/misrepresentation, such applicant / firm (a) shall forfeit the allocation made in this Trade Notice, (b) shall be debarred from allocation of marble in future and (c) shall be liable for penal action under the provisions of Foreign Trade (D&R) Act, 1992, as amended. Only one licence per IEC holder is to be issued by the RA.
6. Licence holder shall file monthly return regarding imports made by them to concerned Regional Authority of DGFT.
Annexure: List of 397 allottees with IE Code, quantity allocated and names of Regional Authorities where hard copy of application in prescribed Aayat Niryat form along with the prescribed documents is to be submitted ( 16 Pages)
(Hardeep singh)
Joint Director General of Foreign trade
[ F.No.01/89/180/Misc.06/AM-08/PC-2(A)]