Cases of Merger and Amalgamation of Government Companies
The Minister of State for Corporate Affairs, Mr. R.P.N. Singh has stated that cases of Government Companies involving mergers and amalgamations presently under consideration of the Government are:-
1. M.P. State Industrial Development Ltd. and its Creditors.
2. Maharashtra Elektrosmelt Ltd. with Steel Authority of India Ltd.
3. Nahan Foundry Ltd. with HP State Ind. Dev. Corp. Ltd.
4. HP State Ind. & Export Corp. Ltd. with HP State Ind. Dev. Corp. Ltd.
5. West Bengal Rural Energy Dev. Corp. Ltd. with West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
6. IDBI Homefinance Ltd. and IDBI Gilts Ltd. with IDBI Bank Limited.
7. T.N. Goods Transport Corp. Ltd. with State Express Transport Corporation Ltd.
8. T.N. Graphite Ltd. with T.N. Minerals Ltd.
He also said the Companies Bill 2009 includes measures to streamline mergers and amalgamations.