Net direct tax collections during the period April to August 2010 of the present fiscal stood at Rs. 1,00,112 crore, up from Rs. 87,888 crore in the same period last fiscal, registering a growth of 13.91 percent. Growth in Corporate Income Tax was 17.05 percent (Rs.57,750 crore as against Rs. 49,339 crore), while Personal Income Tax (including STT, and residual FBT and BCTT) grew at 9.68 percent (Rs.42,217 crore as against Rs. 38,491 crore).
Growth of Personal Income Tax was highest in Patna region (Bihar and Jharkhand) at 90.16 percent, followed by Lucknow region (UP-East) at 69.56 percent, Guwahati region (North-East) at 47.78 percent and North Western Region (Chandigarh) at 41.73 percent. Growth of Corporate Income Tax was highest in Bhopal region (MP-Chhattisgarh) at 185.25 percent, followed by Delhi region at 62.62 percent, and Nagpur and Pune regions (parts of Maharashtra) at 60.71 percent and 51.85 percent, respectively.