Section 194P, which exempts senior citizens aged 75 or more from filing tax returns if they have only pension and interest income from specified banks. Understand who deducts tax, eligibility, and compliance
Explore significance of Rule 17AA from Finance Act, 2022, its impact on charitable institutions, compliance, and penalties for non-compliance.
इस लेख में, हम जानेंगे कि बैंक खातों में क्रम परिवर्तन की सुविधा का महत्व और इसके अच्छे प्रभाव के बारे में।
Supreme Court has ruled that judges who take up cases not assigned by the Chief Justice are guilty of ‘gross impropriety.’ Learn the details and implications.
MCA’s latest notification mandates dematerialization of shares for private companies by 30th Sept 2024. Learn the rules, compliance, and penalties.
अधिसूचना संख्या 52/2023 के माध्यम से जीएसटी अधिनियम 2017 में महत्वपूर्ण संशोधनों की खोज करें, जो 26 अक्टूबर 2023 से प्रभावी हैं, और उनके परिणामों को समझें। अब जानकारी प्राप्त करें।
Explore the need to simplify India’s direct tax structure in an in-depth analysis. Government’s quest for higher revenues & socioeconomic stability leads to the need for direct taxes. Find out more.
Climate change impacts vary across gender, age, race, disability, sexuality, wealth, and class. Understand the role gender plays in vulnerability and adaptation. Gender, climate change and solutions: a call to action.
Discover when interest-free employee loans become taxable perquisites. Learn the rules, exemptions, and calculations for tax on concessional loans
Tax implications of rent-free or concessional rate accommodations provided by employers to employees in India. Understand valuation, exemptions, and calculations.