Madras High Court held that without instructions, without verifying the records, the petitioner cannot direct his representatives to appear. Accordingly, such representation is untenable in law.
In this article, we will explore the concept of RCM in GST, its applicability, different types of RCM, the limit of RCM under GST, the step-by-step process, major components, and the entities that come under RCM.
Advance ruling authority constituted under Telangana State Goods and Services Act cannot give a ruling on liability arising under CGST Act or SGST Act in a different state.
Understand Income Taxes (Ind AS 12, IAS 12) with changes as per Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2023. Learn about accounting treatment, objectives, scope, and adjustments for differences between financial statements and tax laws. Stay informed about the latest amendments and updates.
Understand Ind AS 103 for Business Combinations, Mergers, and Acquisitions. Learn about the objective, acquisition method, goodwill, reverse acquisition, and more. Stay updated with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2023.
The Government of Manipur has issued Notifications No. 11/2023 – Central Tax, 12/2023 – Central Tax and 13/2023 – Central Tax, all dated 24th May 2023, announcing the extension of the due date for filing Goods and Services Tax (GST) returns for the tax period of April 2023. This extension applies to taxpayers who have their principal place […]
This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Excel utility of ITR-3, its features, and how taxpayers can use it to file their returns for the Financial Year 2022-23.
Learn how to file ITR 4 online for small businesses and professionals. Follow this step-by-step guide for seamless tax compliance under the presumptive taxation scheme.
In this article, we will explore the GST HSN codes for plastic products, understand the GST rates applicable to plastic items, and provide specific insights into HSN codes for various plastic products.
Revenue department cannot continue attachment of bank accounts for several years under Section 83 of the CGST Act for Delay in issuing SCN