As per Section 2(34) of the Companies Act (CA), 2013 a director is an individual who is appointed to the Board of the company. As per Section 2(10) of the CA Board or Board of Directors in the company means the altogether body of the directors of the company.
Kailas Chand Agrawal Vs DCIT (ITAT Raipur) Our careful consideration of assessment records and the records of appellate proceedings it transpired that, neither of the lower tax authorities had pointed any such voucher, the genuineness of the expenditure therein claimed to have been incurred by the assessee wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its […]
Request for Extension of due dates of Income tax returns for salaried and non-corporate (not subject to audit) taxpayers from 31.07.2022 to 31.08.2022 GUJARAT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Pathik S. Patwari President Ajay H. Patel Sr. Vice President Yogesh D. Parikh Vice President 8th July, 2022 To, The Hon’ble Chairman, Central Board of Direct […]
NFAC has erred in not granting an opportunity to the appellant bank to present the case through the video conferencing as specified under the Faceless Appeals Scheme 2020
Understanding the impact of GST on educational institutions. Find out the tax implications and exemptions for education sector in India.
18/07/2022 से जिन उत्पादों पर जीएसटी दरें बढ़ाई गई है, उससे सरकार की मंशा साफ तौर पर दिख रही है कि:1. ज्यादातर जीएसटी की दरें 18% पर सरकार लाना चाहती है2. किसी भी उत्पाद और सेवा को करमुक्त नहीं रखना चाहती3. केन्द्र सरकार समझ गई है कि राज्यों को जीएसटी क्षतिपूर्ति का हर्जाना जारी रखना होगा नहीं तो राज्य बगावत भी कर सकते हैं
Understand the importance of RERA Bank Accounts in real estate projects. Learn about the account opening procedure, withdrawal rules, and more.
In re Teamlease Education Foundation (GST AAAR Karnataka) The limited issue for determination is whether the Appellant is acting as a ‘pure agent’ of the industry partner to the extent of reimbursement received towards stipend paid to trainees as part of the training agreement. In their appeal before AAAR, the Appellant has contended that the […]
The question ‘Whether ITC can be claimed on common services which arc utilized for both taxable as well as exempted supplies?’ is admissible for advance ruling as it falls within the scope of Section 97(2)(d) of the CGST Act.
AAAR held that activity of purchase or allotment of land and selling the said land after undertaking development activities of providing amenities such as Drainage line, water line, electricity line, land leveling, and common facilities viz. road and street light etc. is liable to GST.