HC declined to interfere in a matter and dismissed the petition of the assessee seeking rectification of the Form GSTR-1 for the period of January 2018 to March 2018, on the ground that the statute has provided a period of limitation for seeking rectification and held that the Court cannot condone the limitation period provided for rectification of GSTR-1 Form
Buying term insurance offline is starting to become a thing of the past! With increased access to the internet, it has now become possible to buy everything online, even your term insurance!
The provisions of Section 42 can only be invoked in a situation where the mismatch is on account of the error in the database of the revenue or a mistake that has been occasioned at the end of the revenue. In a case where the claim of ITC by an assessee is erroneous, as in this case, then the question of Section 42 does not arise at all, since it is not the case of mismatch, one of wrongful claim of ITC. As far as the levy of interest on belated cash remittance is concerned, it is compensatory and mandatory and the levy is upheld to this extent.
Insolvency professional is required to ensure that the company complies with the applicable laws, including SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018.
Whether Section 17(5)(h) covers inputs or outputs/Finished goods Case of loss of Inputs during manufacturing process in Madras High Court Ruling – Loss of input when consumed during manufacturing process – such loss is not covered by situations u/s 17(5)(h) – ITC reversal not required: HC (M/s. ARS Steels & Alloy International Pvt. Ltd., vs […]
If the put option is not exercised by a Mutual Fund, while exercising the put option would have been in favour of the scheme; i. A justification for not exercising the put option shall be provided by the Mutual Fund to the Valuation Agencies, Board of AMC and Trustees on or before the last date of the notice period.
Dynamic sector of Indian Economy MSME is the abbreviation used for Micro, small and medium enterprises. MSM Enterprises or small-scale industries (SSIs) are like a backbone of the economy of the developing country like India. The growth of these industries directly impacts the growth of the Indian economy in a positive way. Whether the company […]
STAGES INVOLVED FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADEMARK: 1. Application for registration For the registration of a trademark, an application is to be made to the Registrar. A single application can be made for the registration of a trademark for different classes of goods and services by paying a prescribed fee for each such class of goods […]
Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for the shareholders to interact with the management of the company. Companies Act, 2013, as amended from time to time (Act) mandates all companies registered in India, other than One Person Company to hold an AGM during every calendar year, except in the year of its incorporation.
1. AUTHORITIES UNDER M.R.T.U. & P.U.L.P. ACT, 1971 Divided into Labour Court and Industrial Court which is tabulated below for seamless understanding:- Labour Court • Constituted under Section 6 of the Act • State Government shall by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute one or more Labour Courts, having jurisdiction in such local areas […]