Circular No. 07/2021-Customs – Clarification regarding payment of Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) by EOU under various situations and amendment to Circular no. 35/2016-Customs dated 29.07.2020 – regarding.
Dayamay Enterprise Vs State of Tripura (Tripura High Court) The impugned notice has been issued only for cancellation of registration, that too without citing any particular reason. The reason stated is picked up from the statute itself namely, non-compliance of any specified provisions of GST Act or the Rules made thereunder. Without specifying which provisions […]
Circular No. 06/2021-Customs Policy and Guidelines for setting up of Inland Container Depots (ICDs), Container Freight Stations (CFSs) and Air Freight Stations (AFSs)-Reg.
The most important and basic work for a Company Secretary during their Internship or Job is to draft a RESOLUTION. This is the term we heard on a very frequent basis from our Bosses. The word RESOLUTION may sound very basic. But to draft, we must have a basic knowledge for the same. So, let’s […]
The Layoff of employees by the corporates has become the bitter truth of the corporate world. Thanks to the pandemic! When you hear about a company laying off its employees, you feel insecure and demoralized. I have heard of a quote that says – ‘You are paid by how hard you are to replace. Not […]
Procedure For Closure of LLP In case the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) wants to close down its business or where it is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, , it can make an application to the Registrar of Companies for declaring the company as defunct and removing […]
Reserve Bank of India Date : Feb 22, 2021 Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting February 3-5, 2021 [Under Section 45ZL of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934] The twenty seventh meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), constituted under section 45ZB of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, was held from […]
The Parliament of India enacted the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008 to introduce a special corporate business vehicle to be known as LLP that allows its members to have the flexibility of organising their internal structure as a partnership and also provides the benefits of limited liability as availed by Companies. Limited Liability Partnership […]
Unlike someone who calls themselves a CPA or doctor, almost anyone can call themselves a ‘financial planner’ or a ‘financial advisor’ regardless of their educational background and professional experience. In addition, not everyone is impartial in their advice and not everyone always acts in the best interests of their customers. To make sure your financial […]
On the anti-evasion front, officers of CGST Delhi West Commissionerate need to be appreciated for their good work in bringing to book those involved in the illegal manufacturing and clandestine supply of gutkha/pan masala/tobacco products.