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Archive: 11 February 2020

Posts in 11 February 2020

Notification No. 12/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated:11th February, 2020

February 11, 2020 1044 Views 0 comment Print

Amendment to notification no. 12/97-Customs (NT) dated 2nd April, 1997 vide Notification No. 12/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated:11th February, 2020. Government of India Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) (Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs) Notification No. 12/2020-Customs (N.T.) New Delhi, the 11th February, 2020 G.S.R. 105(E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by clause […]

Income Tax Calculator for FY 2020-21

February 11, 2020 288858 Views 28 comments Print

Download Income Tax Calculator for Financial Year 2020-21 in Excel Format / Download Income Tax Calculator for Assessment Year 2021-22 in Excel Format/ Download Income Tax Calculator for FY Year 2020-21 in Excel Format / Download Income Tax Calculator for AY 2021-22 in Excel Format. Q.1 What are the conditions for opting in the Scheme […]

Fees for rendering banking services cannot be treated as commission for TDS U/s. 194H

February 11, 2020 1494 Views 0 comment Print

The amount retained by the bank for the fees charged for having rendered banking services, cannot be treated as a commission or a brokerage paid in course of use of banking service by a person acting on behalf of another for buying or selling goods, so as to be hit by section 194H.

Section 153A- No Addition- If no incriminating material unearthed during search

February 11, 2020 1989 Views 0 comment Print

Where no assessment proceedings are pending on the date of search and seizure proceedings, the assessment under section 153A can be carried out only on the basis of seized material and where no incriminating material was unearthed during the course of search proceedings, addition could not be made in the hands of assessee.

Penalty for providing inaccurate statement of financial transaction or reportable account- Section 271FAA

February 11, 2020 13059 Views 0 comment Print

Avoid penalties under section 271FAA of the Income Tax Act for providing inaccurate statements of financial transactions or reportable accounts.

FAQs on EU-GSP Registered Exporter System

February 11, 2020 3393 Views 0 comment Print

Is there any difference in tariff or customs preferences if the wholly obtained (WO) criteria is used instead of the product specific rule (PSR)?  No, the tariff or customs duty preferences are the same i.e either tariff elimination if the product is non-sensitive and tariff reduction if the product is sensitive irrespective of whether the criteria is WO or PSR.

Budget 2020: Tax Highlights for NRIs and Indian Residents

February 11, 2020 7299 Views 2 comments Print

AMENDMENTS FOR NON-RESIDENT INDIANS 1. Modification of Residency Provisions Tax Residency Period for Indian Citizens and Person of Indian Origin reduced from 182 days or more to 120 days or more along with stay of 365 days or more in India within 4 years preceding the financial year for determining as Resident in India. Individual […]

Practitioner’s Guide to Audit of Small Entities

February 11, 2020 5337 Views 0 comment Print

Practitioner’s Guide to Audit of Small Entities (Revised 2020) As we all are aware that smaller entities make a substantial contribution to our Indian economy, and quantitatively the majority of audits are also audits of smaller entities. In India, all entities particularly those in the corporate sector are required to get their accounts audited and […]

Transaction Value to be accepted if there was reason to doubt truth or accuracy of such value

February 11, 2020 1158 Views 0 comment Print

Aureole Atelier Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Customs (Preventive) (CESTAT Delhi) Section 14 of the Customs Act provides that for the purpose of valuation the value of imported goods shall be the transaction value of such goods, i.e. to say, the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to India […]

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