Processing of Return of AY 2017-18 and Issue of notice for prima facie adjustment under 143(1)(a) (PFA notice) ITBA-ITR Processing Instruction No. 6 DIRECTORATE OF INCOME TAX (SYSTEM) ARA Center, Ground Floor, E-2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi – 110055 F.No. System/ITBA/Instruction/ITR Processing/112/16-17/ Dated: 20.02.2019 To All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income-tax/CCsIT All Principal Director Generals […]
An Easy Resolution To A Grim Situation! Quite a few positive news, from various Courts, has trickled in regarding the removal of Directors disqualification. In a major victory for the aggrieved Directors, in December 2018, the Gujarat High Court quashed the MCA list of September 12, 2017, and in addition, started granting interim relief leading […]
The income tax law follows the system of self-assessment of income. The assessee assesses its income earned during a particular period, pay the tax, if any, and file the return of income. The Assessing Officers are vested with enough wide range of powers for assessing the income and forming view on the same in the […]
Board vide its Circular No. 35/2016-Customs dated 29thJuly, 2016, has already removed the mandatory warehousing requirements for EOUs, STPIs, EHTPs etc. Further, the said Circular clarified that all these units shall stand delicensed as warehouses under Customs Act, 1962, with effect from 13th August, 2016. Therefore, section 65 of the Customs Act, is no longer applicable to EOUs, STPIs, EHTPs etc. In view of above, the Circular-132/95-Customs dated 22″d December, 1995, is rescinded to avoid any misinterpretation.
Finance Minister Piyush Goyal said individuals earning up to Rs 9.5 lakh can escape liability by taking advantage of saving schemes. Probably he is referring to below saving schemes mentioned below. Section Particulars Limit 80C PF / VPF / PPF/NSC/FD/MF 1,50,000/- 80CCD(1b) Additional NPS Contribution (External Investment) 50,000/- 80D Medical Insurance – Self 25,000 80D […]
Income Tax Department requested Eastern India Regional Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to request its members to immediately pay the outstanding demands which have become collectible.
When an assessee accepts the protective additions made in assessment order by not filing any appeal against it, the character of the additions changes from protective addition to substantive addition.
Recently, SEBI mandated issue of securities in dematerialised form and directed Board of directors to abstain from approving any physical transfer w.e.f. October 2, 2018 in case of unlisted public companies and w.e.f. April 1, 2019 in case of entities having its specified securities listed on stock exchange. Depositories viz. NSDL and CDSL facilitate holding […]
As per GST portal Due date of filing GSTR-3B for the tax period January, 2019 has been extended up to 22nd February, 2019. Only for J&K it is extended up to 28th Feb 2019. Today’s GST Council meeting is adjourned as several members wanted to meet in person to discuss. Council will meet again on […]
There is a huge confusion in the minds of taxpayers about whether the tax benefits in respect of House Rent Allowance (HRA) and the benefits attached with a home loan be claimed in the sqme year. This article intends to clear the doubts in this regard.