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Archive: 22 November 2018

Posts in 22 November 2018

Sunset Review of anti-dumping investigation on Methylene Chloride import

November 22, 2018 741 Views 0 comment Print

Sunset Review of anti-dumping investigation on the imports of “Methylene Chloride” originating in or exported from the European Union and the United States.

NFRA Rules 2018 notified

November 22, 2018 7521 Views 0 comment Print

Five years after the Companies Act, 2013 provided for the creation of a National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), Government has taken steps to implement NFRA.

Post Merger Adaptation – A significant element to successful deal

November 22, 2018 25653 Views 1 comment Print

Mergers and acquisitions are used for improving the competitiveness of companies and gaining an advantage over other firms by gaining greater market share, broadening the portfolio to reduce business risk, entering new markets and geographic spread, and capitalizing on economies of scale.

Registration Provisions and Procedures under UAE VAT

November 22, 2018 4488 Views 2 comments Print

Being registered under the VAT law means that a business is acknowledged by the government, as a supplier of Goods and Services and is authorized to collect VAT from customers and remit the same to the government. Only VAT registered businesses will be allowed to do the following: Charge VAT on taxable supply of goods and […]

Significance of GSTR-1 & GSTR-2 : Filing of GSTR-9, GSTR-9A, GSTR-9B, GSTR-9C

November 22, 2018 44076 Views 2 comments Print

For the Financial Year 2017-18, due date for filing Gstr-9 – Annual Return, is 31st December 2018 according to Goods and Services Act, 2017. GSTR 9 form is an annual return to be filed once in a year by the registered taxpayers under GST including those registered under composition levy scheme. It consists of details regarding the supplies made and received during the year.

Additions u/s 68 merely for not producing directors of investment companies is not sustainable

November 22, 2018 963 Views 0 comment Print

Whether Additions u/s 68 merely on the ground that the assessee could not produce the directors of the share subscribing companies is sustainable.

Taxation of Gratuity

November 22, 2018 26223 Views 7 comments Print

People employed in organised sector and with governments receive gratuity at the time of their retirement/death. Gratuity also becomes payable on termination of services. The gratuity becomes payable only if one has service for continuous five years with the same employer. Though many of your might have received gratuity but most of you are not aware as to how the gratuity is calculated. This article deals with how the gratuity is calculated as well as its taxation part.

Arbitrator Appointment not possible if jurisdiction of Designated Officer cannot be invoked by both parties to dispute

November 22, 2018 1332 Views 0 comment Print

The agreement between the parties provides the competent officer and the Commissioner with supervisory control over the execution of work and administrative control over it from time to time and thus to prevent disputes. The intention is not to provide for a forum for resolving disputes. Thus, no Arbitrator could have been appointed by the High Court under Section 11(6) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Templates of Rulings received from other jurisdictions under BEPS Action 5 -Reg.

November 22, 2018 996 Views 0 comment Print

India being a G20 Country is committed to implement the minimum standards laid down in the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project. One of the minimum standards that every participating jurisdiction has to achieve is to ensure a Transparency Framework for spontaneous exchange of rulings under BEPS Action 5.

Non Basmati rice made eligible for MEIS benefits

November 22, 2018 3186 Views 0 comment Print

Non Basmati rice items have been made eligible for MEIS benefits at the rate of 5% for exports made with effect from 26.11.2018 and upto 25.03.2019 vide Public Notice No. 49/2015-2020 Dated 22nd November 2018.

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