What is attitude? We quite often discuss about this human characteristic called attitude. For instance, He has a good attitude, You really need to change your bad attitude, You can’t go ahead with this attitude, You really need to get rid of your attitude problem and shape up, She has got real attitude, etc… etc. […]
CBIC has issued a clarification on ambiguity created by the clauses as in Sch I regard to principal agent relation via Circular no 57/31/2018 -GST dt 04/09/2018
Employee State Insurance Employee State Insurance Act (ESI) is established in 1948 and it is a health insurance for Indian workers. It is an autonomous corporation by a statutory creation under Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. The Corporation can setup hospitals either independently or in collaboration with state government or other private […]
FORM GST EWB 01 is required to be furnished electronically on the common portal, before transportation of such goods in the territory of Uttar Pradesh, shall obtain a R.F.I.D. Tag and get the said R.F.I.D. Tag embedded on wind screen of the conveyance carring such goods and get it mapped to the E-way bill system.
In this Article, Author discuss the definition of Dispute under the Code in the light of landmark judgement of Supreme Court in Mobilox Innovations P. Ltd V. Kirusa Software P. Ltd.
On 31St August, all the professionals were just sitting helplessly infront of the Income Tax E-filing site that was moving with the speed of “Three toed sloths” and the last date of filing of return was ending with the speed of “Cheetah”. All were just praying that either the site runs or date gets extended. […]
Since assessee had included the surrendered amount in its revised return and no such concealment or non-disclosure was made as assessee had made a complete disclosure of income in its revised return. Therefore, no penalty under section 271(1)(c) could be levied.