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Archive: 17 June 2018

Posts in 17 June 2018

Section 40(a)(ia) not applicable to charitable or religious trust before 01.04.2019

June 17, 2018 9234 Views 0 comment Print

Where the income of the assessee was exempt under section 11 and the assessee was not carried on the business, section 40(a)(ia) had no application. Moreover, the insertion of Explanation 3 to Section 11 by the Finance Act, 2018 making inter alia the provisions of Section 40(a)(ia) applicable in case of charitable or religious trust or institution with effect from 1st April, 2019 further shows that section 40(a)(ia) hitherto was not applicable in computing income of entities registration u/s 12A of the Act.

Limitation period to file a Rectification Application- Computation Date- Order Communication Vs. Passing Date

June 17, 2018 2175 Views 0 comment Print

The Registry has put a note that the applications are time barred by five days. However, Ld. Counsel for the assessee has submitted that in view of the settled legal position of law, the applications cannot be treated as time barred. He in this respect has invited our attention to the relevant provisions of section 254(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (in short ‘the Act’), which read as under:-

Deduction U/s. 80IC not eligible on Interest Income on FDRs Pledged as Security Deposit in lieu of tender of contracts

June 17, 2018 1560 Views 0 comment Print

A.O. noted that the deduction under section 80IC is to be allowed on the profits derived from eligible business. The interest earned on the FDRs cannot be said that interest income earned from manufacturing activities of the assessee. It can only be said that interest income on FDRs is attributable to business activities but cannot be said that it derived from manufacturing activity of the assessee.

Commission paid to non-residents for services rendered abroad cannot be construed as incomes accrued or arisen in India

June 17, 2018 1773 Views 0 comment Print

Commission earned by non-resident for services rendered abroad could not be construed as incomes accrued or arisen in India and accordingly disallowance made by AO by invoking section 40(a)(i) was set aside.

Failure to provide document relied for reassessment makes reopening void

June 17, 2018 4230 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Deepraj Hospital (P) Ltd Vs. ITO (ITAT Agra) In the case at hand, the challenge of the assessee is that since in the reasons recorded, the AO has not spelt out as to what he did with the information received by him from the Investigation Wing, the reasons are hit by the vice of non-application […]

Deduction U/s. 10AA cannot be denied for receipt of export consideration after 6 months from the close of financial year

June 17, 2018 8976 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT held that There is no time-limit prescribed for bringing the consideration of export into India under section 10AA. Admittedly, the consideration had been received in India, albeit subsequent to filing of the return by the assessee. However, merely because the consideration had been received after 6 months from the close of the financial year the deduction, cannot be denied to the assessee on the sum. Therefore, AO was directed to grant deduction to the assessee under section 10AA of Income Tax Act, 1961.

Decoded Rule 46A- The Shreds of Evidence

June 17, 2018 83859 Views 2 comments Print

Rule 46 A of the Income Tax Act is the rule related to production of additional evidence before the first appellate authority after an assessment being made by the Assessing officer.

Inviting Expression of Interest -Study Group: RoF Related Issues In Maharashtra

June 17, 2018 564 Views 0 comment Print

ICAI Committee on, Economic, Commercial Laws & Economic Advisory is forming a Study Groups for the subject – RoF Related Issues In Maharashtra.

Key changes and guide to file ITR 1 for AY 2018-19

June 17, 2018 19434 Views 13 comments Print

Almost after 55days of commencement of FY, Income Tax department made ITR forms available for filing Income Tax Returns for the AY 2018-19. There are key changes and points, where a Taxpayer should be aware of while filing ITR 1 for the AY 2018-19

31st March 2018: deadline for filing belated returns….Really!!!!!!!

June 17, 2018 4839 Views 3 comments Print

Income Tax Department declared March 31, 2018 as deadline for filing belated returns for the financial year 2015-16 and 2016-17. In case you haven’t filed your ITR for FYs 2015-16 and 2016-17, you cannot file a belated return anymore.

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