The definition of total turnover given under Sections 80HHC and 80HHE cannot be adopted for the purpose of Section 10A: HCL Technologies case
Shri B.S. Sanjay [HUF] Vs ITO (ITAT Bangalore) In the present case, the sale consideration as per sale deed is Rs. 59.40 Lakhs and the value adopted by DVO u/s. 50C (2) is Rs. 64,10,400/- and therefore, the difference between these two values is of Rs. 4,70,400/- which is less about 8% of the sale […]
Applicability of the Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012 (POPS) to development of software and services on software- place of provision has to be determined in case of development, design, programming, customisation, adaptation, upgradation, enhancement, implementation of information technology software.
It is worthwhile to note that there are marked similarities between the Transfer pricing and Customs regulations in terms of the methodology to arrive at the relevant transfer price. For instance, the deductive method under Customs law can be correlated to the resale price method under Transfer Pricing law.
Ms. Rashmi Rajpal v. Klienz Herbal (P.) Ltd. (National Company Law Tribunal, Hyderabad Bench) Where name of a company was struck off because of delay in filing statutory returns, reasons of which was explained, and, company had expressed its willingness to file all returns along with payment of prescribed fee to which ROC had no objection, name […]
CBDT has entered into one Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreement (UAPA) during April, 2018. With signing of this Agreement, CBDT has achieved another milestone of having signed its 200th UAPA.
ORDER 3 of 2018- Sub : Establishment –Gazetted Group ‘B’ – Transfer and posting of Income Tax Officers– AGT-2018- Regarding – The transfer and posting of the following Income Tax Officers are hereby ordered with immediate effect
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), which is providing a host of e-services for its stakeholders, has now introduced a new service through ‘UMANG app’. On clicking ‘View Passbook’ option, it requires PPO Number and Date of Birth information to be entered by the pensioner.