Government vide notification S.O. 1420 (E) dated 29.03.2018 increased the limit of amount of gratuity payable to an employee under sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (39 of 1972) from from the existing limit of Rs. 10 Lakh to Rs. 20 Lakhs.
Regarding memorandum to be given to Home Ministry & Police Head Quarters of the Country as well as respective states including all IG, DM & SP before any FIR or Arrest of a Chartered Accountant.
Section 132 of Companies Act, 2013 provided for the creation of National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), and one post of Chairperson, three posts of full-time members and one post of Secretary of NFRA. Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister recently approved the same while specifying the details such as pay scale and other terms and conditions vis-à-vis the posts of NFRA Chairman, full-time members and Secretary.
GST which is a common law for goods and services, is about to complete its first 9 months on 31st March and has steadily gained some level stability in its application and understanding by the professionals and business community. Government has issued a circular NO. 38/12/2018 on 26th March, 2018 to further clarify the queries in connection of the Job work under GST.
What I achieved was impossible to do so without the guidance of my teachers, Support of my parents and help of my friends. This achievement is not my personal achievement but a result produced by group efforts of my teachers, family and friends. What I simply did was just respect and work in harmony with them and result just came in.
E-Way Bill is mandatory from 1st April, 2018 for all Inter-State movement of goods. Till then e-way bill can be generated on voluntary basis. Register on e-way bill portal ( by using your GSTIN. Don’t wait till 1st April, 2018. Important Point to be noted by Supplier/Recipients of Goods > E-way bill for inter-State movement […]
SEBI issues Discussion Paper on Review of SEBI (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998 and SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
The changing global scenario, globalisation of similar tax norms, Income Recognition Standards, led to evolvement of business structures in India. A need to provide for a new corporate form of business ownership which could be an alternative to the traditional partnership gave rise to concept of the limited liability partnership.
This article is to provide some details on the e-way bill which is said to be applicable from 1/04/2018 on inter-state supply of goods. The main purpose of e-way bill is to validate the movement of the goods, as soon as there is any movement in the goods, e-way bill is required to be generated […]
Job work can be either a pure service such as packing, labelling, etc where inputs supplied by Principal are put together as per specification or it can be a work contract service such as stitching, washing, etc where primary input/semi-finished goods are supplied by Principal and job-worker also applies own goods to complete the service.