Qasim Saif
Registration No. – 417985474702/2017
What I achieved was impossible to do so without the guidance of my teachers, Support of my parents and help of my friends. This achievement is not my personal achievement but a result produced by group efforts of my teachers, family and friends. What I simply did was just respect and work in harmony with them and result just came in.
There is a saying Ideas are easy and implementation is difficult this is what exactly was the reason for my success. As we all know most of us make a study schedule but rarely that schedule is followed after 2 to 3 days. This is what made the difference in my result that I not only carefully made my schedule but also implemented it. This may sound very simple but believe me friends it is a colossal task but if you have the determination to do it I believe you can definitely do it.
Some tricks and strategy that I used in my studies are listed here
-Study difficult chapters first
-Set define targets to be achieved in a particular day
-Do not leave even a single chapter
-Modules are the best study material
– There is no Substitute of hard work
I wish all of you best of luck for your further endeavors
Thank you
Qasim Saif
Registration Number: 417985637903/2017
I would like to begin by quoting M K Gandhi,
”If you have the belief that you can do it, you can surely acquire the capacity to do it , even if you may not have it in the beginning”
The same adage applies to preparing for the foundation programme. In the genesis of the preparation, the completion of the course seems to be a Herculean task but if you persist and put in all your dedicated efforts, it will turn out to be a cakewalk to clear the examination with a rank.
I owe this success to my parents for their unparalleled support; my mom who has been my pillar of strength , my dad who has been a constant motivating force, my sister for her immense support along with my teachers who guided me throughout the preparation.
Some steps which immensely helped in my preparation process were:
First step that I followed was preparing a strategy; second making study schedules which are concept oriented rather than hour-oriented and third going through the entire module once and solving a lot of questions. This approach helped me strike a balance between my preparation for CS examination, and brought me a step closer to achieve my aim.
Bonne chance to all the CS aspirants!