In case of group of companies, normally a company hold shares in various subsidiaries / group companies. The dividend paid by these group companies is exempt in the hands of the parent company under section 10(34) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act).
Levy of GST is on an event called “supply”. In case of an association or club, can it be said that an association or club is supplying services to its own members ? As an illustration to understand the issue let us assume that a housing association is formed by the resident members to facilitate […]
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was implemented by the government of India on 1/7/17. India joined the likes of Australia, Brazil. The Government claims that it is a historical tax reform since independence. It was hailed by Flipkart’s chairman as a step which will financially unite the country.
The Central Bureau of Investigation has today arrested two Directors of Kolkata based private company in an on-going investigation of a bank fraud case to the tune of Rs.515.15 crore(approx).
The Gopalganj Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Gopalganj, At- Post office Chowk, P.o+Distt- Gopalganj invites sealed tender under two bid system from Chartered Accountant Firm for concurrent audit for F.Y.- 2018-19 of its 16(sixteen) branches, 1(One) extention counter along with Head Office on following terms & Conditions:-
Consider a scenario wherein a registered person under GST have availed transitional credits. Such person might have availed credits either in respect of closing balance of June return’s u/s 140(1) of the Central Goods & Services Tax (‘CGST’) Act, 2017 or in respect of stocks as on 30.06.2017 u/s 140(3) of the CGST Act, 2017.
While starting your own business, the very first question that comes to mind is that, How to form a company? For starting a business in single person’s name, a sole proprietorship registration can be done but if one wants central registration with separate legal entity and benefits of company form of organization
Environment created after change in policy of appointment of branch statutory auditors (giving autonomy to bank management) has not yielded desired results for the banking industry. Our regulatory body, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAO has been opposing this change from the very beginning.
The Government is aware of instances where taxes are collected by many service providers, hoteliers, traders etc. from the customers but are not deposited in the Government’s account. Based on specific intelligence collected, detailed investigations are carried out and the due tax amount is either recovered or quasi-judicial proceedings are initiated. The details of such losses are as below:
Ecosystem for Fin Tech Companies The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had set up an inter-regulatory Working Group (WG) to look into and report on the granular aspects of Fin Tech and its implications so as to review and reorient appropriately the regulatory framework and respond to the dynamics of the rapidly evolving Fin Tech […]