These days, education has become quite costly and until you save money for your higher education with time in hand, you may be filled in debts at a later stage in life. Precisely, education planning is a rational decision that should be taken by parents at a very early stage when their children are small. Some parents think of child education plan when their child has just born or will get born.
CS Rahul Harsh Everything you should know about Incorporation of Company Form – SPICE The ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) through a notification dated 01/10/2016, put forth the Fourth Amendment rules, 2016 for the incorporation of companies has recently introduced an E-form under the SPICe (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically) which simplifies the incorporation […]
Director General, Revenue Intelligence, hereby appoints officers mentioned in column (5) of the Table below to act as a common adjudicating authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on officers mentioned in column (4) of the said Table
Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to appoint the following AVATOs, with effect from the date of assumption of charge to assist the Commissioner of Value Added Tax, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi in the administration of the said Act, namely :
In the said notification, in the TABLE, against serial number 8, in column (3), after the existing entries, the following entries shall be inserted, namely:- (11) Sub – Foreign Post office at Vijayawada; (12) Sub – Foreign Post office at Leh; (13) Sub – Foreign Post office at Hyderabad.
Works contract has been a mystery for almost half a century and yet it fancies every avid leaner of Indirect tax. It is a composite contract involving both transfer of property and provision of labour. We shall examine the implications of Goods and Services Tax Law (GST law) on Works contract in this paper.
The issue of whether or not TDS under section 194-I of the Act is applicable on ‘lump sum lease premium’ or ‘one-time upfront lease charges” paid by an assessee for acquiring long-term leasehold rights for land or any other property has been examined by CBDT in view of representations received in this regard.