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Archive: 30 September 2016

Posts in 30 September 2016

IDS 2016- CBDT enables facility to upload Form-1 filed Manually

September 30, 2016 1264 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT Instruction No.10 of 2016 dated 28.09.2016 provides that in cases where the declarants do not have PAN, a declaration under the Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 (the Scheme) can be filed manually before the jurisdictional Pr.Commissioner/Commissioner by quoting the date and acknowledgment number of PAN application form.

Buy-back Law, Procedure and Practice

September 30, 2016 28546 Views 2 comments Print

Buy-back is one of the important provisions in the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) which enables a company to purchase its own shares or other specified securities with inherent benefits to the company and its shareholders. A program of buy-back is resorted to by a company to enable it to

How to use Two Way Lookup In Microsoft Excel

September 30, 2016 9379 Views 2 comments Print

Most of us aware that Microsoft Excel can add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions. But if we able to use its advance functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX+MATCH coupled with IF function, we can able to demeanor DATA MINING within few minutes which generally takes hours to complete the task and sometime impossible if we are dealing with complex data.

How to bring your personal finance under your control

September 30, 2016 2263 Views 0 comment Print

I kept a sizable emergency reserve in liquid funds; I didn’t have any emergency situation for 3 years. The liquid fund where I kept the sizable emergency fund was not giving me good returns. So I invested that money in a small property. Now I have an emergency and the property is not easily liquidable

Extension of due date applies to all assesse who were required to file Return on 30.09.2016

September 30, 2016 4570 Views 0 comment Print

It is further clarified that the extension of ‘due-date’ of 17.10.2016 would apply to all assessees who are required to file their return of income by 30th September, 2016 as per clause (a) of Explanation 2 to sub-section (1) of section 139 of Income-tax Act, 1961.

Know Online status of ICAI Membership Fees Payment

September 30, 2016 113155 Views 9 comments Print

Recently ICAI has started a facility by which Members can know online the status of Membership Fees Paid or Payable by them. Member has to enter his Members Ship Number and Date of Birth as per ICAI records to know his Membership and COP Fees Payment Status.

Who is liable to Register under GST Law

September 30, 2016 40768 Views 5 comments Print

As per sub-section (1) of section 19, every person who is liable to be registered under Schedule III of the Act shall apply for registration within thirty days from the date on which he become liable to registration but if the person is registered under an earlier law, it shall not be necessary for him to apply for fresh registration except in case of Input Service Distributor under this section.

How to register a mutual fund with SEBI -FAQs for Intermediaries

September 30, 2016 1684 Views 0 comment Print

FAQs for Intermediaries What is the procedure for registering a mutual fund with SEBI? A. How to get registered as a Mutual Fund? An applicant proposing to sponsor a mutual fund (MF) in India must submit an application in Form A [first schedule of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 (hereinafter, referred to as the […]

Developments in Commodities Markets – Post Merger

September 30, 2016 721 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI took over the Regulation of the Commodity Derivatives market on September 28, 2015 as a result of merger of FMC with SEBI. The merger of two Regulators is an unique and rare event across the world. It was also a heartening moment for SEBI as an organization that Government had reposed faith in its regulatory capacity while entrusting regulation of a new sector.

Service Tax Return FY 2016-2017- Key Changes & Amendments

September 30, 2016 37534 Views 0 comment Print

In this article, below key changes / amendment under Service Tax Laws relevant for filing of Service Tax Returns (ST-3) for FY 2016-2017 are discussed:- 1. Krishi Kalyan Cess 2. Government Services under Reverse Charge Mechanism 3. CENVAT Credit Rules 4. Interest on late Payment of Service Tax 5. Form ST-3 Amendments

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