Circular No. 26/2015- Customs CBEC has decided that all importers, exporters using services of Customs Brokers for formalities under Customs Act, 1962, shipping lines and air lines shall file customs documents under digital signature certificates mandatorily with effect from 01.01.2016. The importers/ exporters desirous of filing Bill of Entry or Shipping Bill individually may however have the option of filing declarations/ documents without using digital signature. Further, wherever the customs process documents are digitally signed, the Customs will not insist on the user to physically sign the said documents.
M/s. Kamineni Educational Society vs. Joint DIT (Exemptions)-Issue- The common issue involved in these appeals is about the disallowance of depreciation claimed by assessee in respective assessment years on the reason that the cost of assets had been claimed as application of income by assessee
CS S. Dhanapal Section 118 of the Companies Act, 2013 which contains provisions relating to minutes of Board, General and other meetings and resolutions passed by postal ballot, contains in sub-section 10 that ‘Every company shall observe secretarial standards with respect to general and Board meetings specified by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India […]